17 - Time Bomber

Method number 1: Enter the game with it.
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Logic: GruntStartingPoint
Points: 0 (default ... not used, solver's Grunt)
See AppendixC/EnemyAITypez for value, if Smarts: (team) is 1, 2 or 3
Smarts: 0 ... default ... the player controlz this Grunt.
1 enemy team number.
2 enemy team number.
3 enemy team number.
Note: Gruntz will attack any other Grunt with a different team number!
Powerup: 0 (default ... Bare-handed)
17 ... Time Bombz
X Min: 0 (default, solver's Grunt)
If Points: definez an enemy Object Guard Grunt, this field
(along with Y Min:) is the 'address' of the Object being guarded.
X Max: 0 (default, solver's Grunt)
If Points: definez an enemy Object Guard Grunt, this field
(along with X Min:) is the 'address' of the Object being guarded.
There is a specialized enemy Grunt called a Time Bomber that may defined simply by providing a "Points: value of 12 and "Smarts: value of 1, 2 or 3 in this method.

Method number 2: Cover it up.
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Use Logic: CoveredPowerUp with Powerup: = 17 ... other fieldz as necessary

Method number 3: Leave it in plain sight.
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Use Logic: InGameIcon with Image_Set: = GAME_INGAMEICONZ_TOOLZ_TIMEBOMBZ

Method number 4: Put it in a Giant Rock.
No matter what 'team' they are on, a Gauntletz Grunt, (Suicide) Bomber Grunt or Time Bombz Grunt can break or blow up a Giant Rock, or a Shovel Grunt can dig up a Time Bomb next to a Giant Rock, revealing the Tool in the middle, where Tile #290 was placed.

Method number 5: Ask for it.
One of the solver's Gruntz can use a Megaphone to call for the Tool.

Method number 6: Steal it (back).
Turn a Tool Thief carrying the Tool into a Goo Puddle , then pick up the Tool he leavez behind.

Time Bombz are like Gauntletz with fewer limitationz;
while Gauntletz cannot break Gold Brickz, Time Bombz can easily demolish them, for example.
Use a Time Bomb on an Exploding Brick , for example, and get away from the scene of the explosion,
and the Time Bomber survivez, whereas the Gauntletz Grunt is splattered into Goo dropz too small to even suck up!

With some difficulty, and a certain amount of luck, Time Bombz may be used as a weapon against enemy Gruntz.
But said enemy Grunt has to remain close to the Time Bomb in order to be harmed by it ...
if it stepz just to a point two Tilez away from the Time Bomb, the Grunt is safe.
This Tool also takes a long time to re-charge, so a Time Bomber'z best defense is to move away from any attacker.

The solver, with any other Grunt, can win without any loss of health against an enemy TimeBomber (Questz)
... as long as he avoidz being cornered.
GunHat, Rockz and SpongeGun have to be able to corner TimeBomb in order to defeat him ... tough, but possible.

Travel speed: 600 millisecondz per Tile ... 300 millisecondz per Tile with the Super Speed PowerUp.

Used as a weapon
'Hit' value: 20/20 ... enemy vaporized after bomb blowz ... no Goo puddlez left behind.

Assumption: Grunt teleportz into an enclosed area of two Tilez next to an enemy 'Post Guard' Grunt
(neither can move), and beginz the fight. If the opponent is free to move, TimeBomber alwayz losez.
ID Opponent Hit Result Winner's
Reason for unusual resultz
0 Bare-handed 1 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
1 Bombz 20 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
2 Boomerangz 6 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
3 Brick(layer)z 4 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
4 Clubz 8 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
5 Gauntletz 5 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
6 (Boxing) Glovez 1 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
7 Goober(Straw)z 2 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
8 Gravity Bootz 2 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
9 Gun Hatz 10 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
10 Sponge Gunz 1 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
11 Rockz 8 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
12 Shieldz 1 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
13 Shovel 6 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
14 Springz 5 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
15 Spy Gear 4 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
16 Swordz 10 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
17 TimeBombz 20 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
18 Toobz 2 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
19 (Magic) Wandz ? draw 20 Actually, both lose.
20 Warpstone 0 draw 20 Actually, both lose.
21 Welder's Kit 20 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
22 Wingz 2 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
* GunHatz take no damage from a SpongeGun (but are moved) and half damage from any other ranged weapon Gruntz.
** Shieldz take no damage from Bare-handed, (Boxing) Glovez or other Shield Gruntz, and they take half damage from many other Gruntz.
An opponent's 'Hit' value in Yellow indicatez half damage.
An opponent's 'Hit' value of '0' in Red indicatez no damage.
An 'undecided' result is because of random delayz (flailing, etc.) by either opponent.

Grade: F 23 W0-D23-L0 (0 0) ... poor offense, some utility

The solver, using "hit & run" tacticz, can greatly alter the resultz against most enemy Gruntz. In this case, just a little bit of room in which to maneuver, and this Grunt's Draw becomez a Lose.