3 - Bricklayer |
Method number 1: Enter the game with it. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: GruntStartingPoint with Powerup: = 3 ... other fieldz as necessary There is a specialized enemy Grunt called a Brick Layer (leavez a Dark Blue Goo Puddle ) that may be defined simply by providing a "Points: value of 8 and "Smarts: value of 1, 2 or 3 in this method. Method number 2: Cover it up. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: CoveredPowerUp with Powerup: = 3 ... other fieldz as necessary Method number 3: Leave it in plain sight. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: InGameIcon with Image_Set: = GAME_INGAMEICONZ_TOOLZ_BRICKZ Method number 4: Put it in a Giant Rock. No matter what 'team' they are on, a Gauntletz Grunt, (Suicide) Bomber Grunt or Time Bombz Grunt can break or blow up a Giant Rock, or a Shovel Grunt can dig up a Time Bomb next to a Giant Rock, revealing the Tool in the middle, where Tile #290 was placed. Method number 5: Ask for it. One of the solver's Gruntz can use a Megaphone to call for the Tool. Method number 6: Steal it (back). Turn a Tool Thief carrying the Tool into a Goo Puddle , then pick up the Tool he leavez behind. |
That pail of cement and trowel aren't exactly the most threatening Toolz to use in a fight. It takez quite a bit of time to recover strength in order to swing the pail again. This Grunt is much more interested in home improvement. Brick(layer)z are primarily defensive Toolz. It takez a Gauntletz Grunt or TimeBomber Grunt (or for a one-time effort, a SuicideBomber Grunt ) to get through a Brick wall. But it is nice to have a Bricklayer around, when surrounded by a bunch of enemy Sword Gruntz! Given enough time, Bricklayerz can build up a defense area to keep him and all of his friendz safe from those 'butter knivez'. And if one of his friendz has, say, a Gunhat , Boomerang or even a SpongeGun , those Sword Gruntz can be turned into Goo from within the Bricklayer'z little fort. Gauntletz can break four Brickz in the time it takez a BrickLayer to lay one, so keep those Gauntletz Gruntz at more than arm'z length! |
Travel speed: 600 millisecondz per Tile ... 300 millisecondz per Tile with the Super Speed PowerUp. |