12 - Shieldz |
Method number 1: Enter the game with it. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: GruntStartingPoint with Powerup: = 12 ... other fieldz as necessary Method number 2: Cover it up. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: CoveredPowerUp with Powerup: = 12 ... other fieldz as necessary Method number 3: Leave it in plain sight. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: InGameIcon with Image_Set: = GAME_INGAMEICONZ_TOOLZ_SHIELDZ Method number 4: Put it in a Giant Rock. No matter what 'team' they are on, a Gauntletz Grunt, (Suicide) Bomber Grunt or Time Bombz Grunt can break or blow up a Giant Rock, or a Shovel Grunt can dig up a Time Bomb next to a Giant Rock, revealing the Tool in the middle, where Tile #290 was placed. Method number 5: Ask for it. One of the solver's Gruntz can use a Megaphone to call for the Tool. Method number 6: Steal it (back). Turn a Tool Thief carrying the Tool into a Goo Puddle , then pick up the Tool he leavez behind. |
A Grunt with a Shield can absorb much more punishment from an attack by an enemy Grunt than an unShielded Grunt. In fact, Bare-handed Gruntz, boxing glovez gruntz, or enemy Shield Gruntz can do no damage at all to a Shield Grunt! You won't be able to get anywhere a Bare-handed Grunt can't go; it won't slow you down ... but it certainly won't speed you up, either. As a weapon, it is better than Bare handz, but won't allow you to take on a Sword Grunt in a battle to the death, either. Use this Grunt to stand guard at a point where there is a passage that is only one Tile wide, and he'll buy you some time to get another task done. Best used as a defensive Tool ... a Shield! |