10 - Sponge Gun (aka 'Nerf') |
Method number 1: Enter the game with it. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: GruntStartingPoint with Powerup: = 10 ... other fieldz as necessary Method number 2: Cover it up. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: CoveredPowerUp with Powerup: = 10 ... other fieldz as necessary Method number 3: Leave it in plain sight. Edit Objects Dialog Box Use Logic: InGameIcon with Image_Set: = GAME_INGAMEICONZ_TOOLZ_NERFGUNZ Method number 4: Put it in a Giant Rock. No matter what 'team' they are on, a Gauntletz Grunt, (Suicide) Bomber Grunt or Time Bombz Grunt can break or blow up a Giant Rock, or a Shovel Grunt can dig up a Time Bomb next to a Giant Rock, revealing the Tool in the middle, where Tile #290 was placed. Method number 5: Ask for it. One of the solver's Gruntz can use a Megaphone to call for the Tool. Method number 6: Steal it (back). Turn a Tool Thief carrying the Tool into a Goo Puddle , then pick up the Tool he leavez behind. |
Special Effect: The Grunt struck by a Sponge is pushed one Tile away from the shooter ... unless that would put the Grunt into Water or solid objectz. (Gruntz without a Toob will never enter water ... horizontally ... only by having support (a Bridge Tile ) go out from under them.) A SpongeGun Grunt is most effective against an enemy Grunt that is 'walking a tight-rope', where one mis-step is fatal. All a Sponge doez is bump the target Grunt who is up to five Tilez away one Tile away from the shooter. If that one Tile is a 'Death Tile' ... mission accomplished! The GooPuddlez show the furthest away an enemy Grunt may be turned into Goo if it cannot move away. It "is not a manly gun" (SpongeGun Grunt'z own wordz - 8 secondz), since it takez about twenty 'hitz' to turn a Grunt into Goo. But it can be used to place a Grunt (any Grunt) right where you want him, given enough time, and a Grunt not highly desirous of maintaining position in a certain spot may become a Goo Puddle . It may also be used to get a friendly Grunt to a place he would otherwise be able to reach; fire a Sponge at an Arrow, then have a friendly Grunt step onto that Arrow, and friend is pushed beyond it. Spongegunz can also hit a grunt past any one tile gap. Note that the Sponge is not fired at the friendly Grunt , but at the Arrow ; the friend arrivez at the Arrow after the shot has been fired, result: . With some difficulty an enemy Grunt armed with this weapon may be induced to assist you in reaching a place you cannot reach voluntarily. Step on an Arrow facing the 'wrong' way, timed so that the enemy Grunt is ready to fire at you, then step on the Arrow again just as the enemy's sponge arrivez. Ta-da! Missile speed: 1500 millisecondz to the target. Travel speed: 600 millisecondz per Tile (300 millisecondz per Tile with SuperSpeed). |