13 - Shovel

Method number 1: Enter the game with it.
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Use Logic: GruntStartingPoint with Powerup: = 13 ... other fieldz as necessary
There is a specialized enemy Grunt called a Digger that may be defined simply by providing a "Points: value of 11 and "Smarts: value of 1, 2 or 3 in this method.

Method number 2: Cover it up.
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Use Logic: CoveredPowerUp with Powerup: = 13 ... other fieldz as necessary

Method number 3: Leave it in plain sight.
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Use Logic: InGameIcon with Image_Set: = GAME_INGAMEICONZ_TOOLZ_SHOVELZ

Method number 4: Put it in a Giant Rock.
No matter what 'team' they are on, a Gauntletz Grunt, (Suicide) Bomber Grunt or Time Bombz Grunt can break or blow up a Giant Rock, or a Shovel Grunt can dig up a Time Bomb next to a Giant Rock, revealing the Tool in the middle, where Tile #290 was placed.

Method number 5: Ask for it.
One of the solver's Gruntz can use a Megaphone to call for the Tool.

Method number 6: Steal it (back).
Turn a Tool Thief carrying the Tool into a Goo Puddle , then pick up the Tool he leavez behind.

Shovelz are useful for making an area safe for Gruntz to walk around in, filling in Holez that can swallow up an unwary Grunt. If a Shovel Grunt fillz in a Hole with dirt it becomes a Mound that any Grunt may safely pass over.
Since Moundz may contain something of value, Shovelz are also useful for finding such Objectz.
In most casez, it is a good idea to use a CoveredPowerUp logic to turn a Mound into an ordinary Tile
when the work is done.

A Shovel also makez a pretty good weapon. It doez more damage than Gauntletz can do, yet doez not take a long time for a Shovel Grunt to recover his strength to use that Shovel again. A pair of Gruntz, one armed with a Shovel and the other with Gauntletz can make their way past almost any obstacle.
(Small wonder that Gauntletz and/or Shovel Gruntz appear in almost every Gruntz puzzle!)

Travel speed: 600 millisecondz per Tile ... 300 millisecondz per Tile with the Super Speed PowerUp.

Used as a weapon
'Hit' value: 6/20 ... enemy turned into a Goo Puddle after fourth swing.

Assumption: Grunt teleportz into an enclosed area of two Tilez next to an enemy 'Post Guard' Grunt
(neither can move), and beginz the fight.
ID Opponent Hit Result Winner's
Reason for unusual resultz
0 Bare-handed 1 win 16
1 Bombz 20 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
2 Boomerangz 6 win 8
3 Brick(layer)z 4 win 8
4 Clubz 8 lose 2
5 Gauntletz 5 win 5
6 (Boxing) Glovez 1 win 16
7 Goober(Straw)z 2 win 12
8 Gravity Bootz 2 win 8
9 Gun Hatz 10 win 10
10 Sponge Gunz 1 win 18 Sponge Gunz are very difficult to load ... takez a lot of time
11 Rockz 8 win 4
12 Shieldz 1 win 12 ** Shieldz take half damage from many other Gruntz.
13 Shovel 6 win 2 he who hitz first, hitz last
14 Springz 5 win 5
15 Spy Gear 4 win 4
16 Swordz 10 lose 8
17 TimeBombz 20 draw 0 Actually, both lose.
18 Toobz 2 win 12
19 (Magic) Wandz ? win 20 won't fight
20 Warpstone 0 win 20 can't fight, and enemy Gruntz can't carry a Warpstone piece !
21 Welder's Kit 20 lose 14
22 Wingz 2 win 16
* GunHatz take no damage from a SpongeGun (but are moved) and half damage from any other ranged weapon Gruntz.
** Shieldz take no damage from Bare-handed, (Boxing) Glovez or other Shield Gruntz, and they take half damage from many other Gruntz.
An opponent's 'Hit' value in Yellow indicatez half damage.
An opponent's 'Hit' value of '0' in Red indicatez no damage.
An 'undecided' result is because of random delayz (flailing, etc.) by either opponent.

Grade: A 38 W18-D2-L3 (+167 +127) ... GOOD offense, unique utility

The solver, using "hit & run" tacticz, can greatly alter the resultz against most enemy Gruntz.