
Edit Objects Dialog Box
Box Name Contents
ID: Sequential number
Calculated, after CalcCowID
Name: Empty ... Optional, usually totally unnecessary
Logic: InGameIcon
Image Set: GAME_INGAMEICONZ_ + descriptive name, as POWERUPZ_COIN
Animation: Empty, used only by EyeCandy type Objectz
X: Pixel location of the left edge of the image, + 16 (center point).
Determined by the Gruntz Level Editor at creation time.
Changed by the Gruntz Level Editor after 'nudge' or 'shove'.
May be modified by the Designer.
(Ideally, value divided by 32 should leave a remainder of 16.)
The uncovered object is alwayz centered in the tile, for any X:.
Y: Pixel location of the top edge of the image, + 16 (center point).
Determined by the Gruntz Level Editor at creation time.
Changed by the Gruntz Level Editor after 'nudge' or 'shove'.
May be modified by the Designer.
(Ideally, value divided by 32 should leave a remainder of 16.)
The uncovered object is alwayz centered in the tile, for any Y:.
Z: 0 (default)
I: -1 (default)
Score: 0 ... default
This field has special meaning if the Object enclosed is a Megaphone.
Megaphones do not behave as one would expect them to; the order in which Megaphones are used does not determine what Object will be called-for!
This field sets the order of Objects called-for, and if any Megaphone has a value of "0" in it, no Megaphone will work!
A good idea would be to create a table of Megaphones (on paper, or a Notepad-type file), showing X,Y coordinates; "Score" and Object called-for.
That way, if it became necessary to add another Megaphone, changing the sequence of Objects needed to solve the puzzle, it will be easier to change the "Score" values of affected Megaphones.
Just locate the Megaphone with the highest "Score" and add 1 to the value, working backwards to lower "Scores" until you have made room for the new Megaphone.
Don't forget to keep your table of Megaphones updated!

This field also has special meaning if the Object is a ToyBox; it indicates the 'team' that owns the ToyBox ... values 0, 1, 2 or 3.
This is most important for 'Battlez' Custom Levelz.
Points: 0 ... default
If the covered item is a Megaphone, then this field contains the ID number for the Tool, Toy or Brick that will appear in the GruntMachine on the Resource tab of the status bar.
If the covered item is a ToyBox, then this field contains the ID number for the Toy which will be found inside.
Smarts: 0 default
Powerup: 0 default
Damage: 0 default (no re-spawn)
This value will set a respawn time in millisecondz (1000 = 1 second) for the object.
A small duration will 'trap' the Grunt in place! (2000 or longer suggested.)
(The object will need to be picked up at least once to be counted and it is only counted once.)
Health: 0 (default)
Speed X: 0 (default)
X Tile coordinate, calculated, after CalcCowID
(Highly recommended!)
Speed Y: 0 (default)
Y Tile coordinate, calculated, after CalcCowID
(Highly recommended!)
Face Dir: 0 default
This field is used if the item is a timed Powerup or Curse; this value will provide the game's default time. Otherwise, the time is set in milliseconds, so that "30000" would set the time to 30 seconds.
If the item is a Scroll or a Magic Wand, then this field will contain the ID number for the Spell to be cast.
X Min: 0 (default)
X Max: 0 (default)
Direction: 0 (default)
Y Min: 0 (default)
Y Max: 0 (default)
Speed: 0 (default)