Enemy AI Typez

Each type of enemy Grunt has a different 'nature' ...
what the Grunt will do when it sensez a Grunt from another team.

Gruntz entering the game with a default Tool/Toy (Scroll), such as typez 7 through 12, 15 and 16,
will alwayz use their Tool/Toy (Scroll), given an opportunity to do so.

Enemy Grunt typez 1 through 6 and 13 may carry any Tool,
and act differently as described in their respective documentz.
Enemy Grunt type 14 may carry any Tool (but will never use it, unless attacked) and should alwayz be given a Toy (to give away)

Points (default) Tool Grunt type
1 Dumb Chaser
2 Smart Chaser
3 Hit And Runner
4 Defender
5 Post Guard
6 Object Guard
7 (Suicide) Bomber
8 Brick Layer
9 Gauntletz Grunt
10 Goo Sucker
11 Digger
12 Time Bomber
13 Tool Thief
14 Toyer
15 Magic Wand Grunt
16 Scroll Grunt