Grunt Puddle
Your Gruntz are always this color.
Enemy Gruntz are always some other color in a Questz puzzle.
In Battlez puzzlez, your opponents are always Red, Green or Blue, regardless of their toolz.

Logic: GruntPuddle
Score: 0 Orange - default (player's) color

1 - Green (1-Dumb Chaser )
2 - Blue (9-Gauntletz Grunt )
3 - Red (7-Suicide Bomber , impossible in Questz ... leavez no Goo behind)
4 - Purple (4-Defender )
5 - Yellow (3-Hit And Runner )
6 - Hot Pink (6-Object Guard )
7 - Black (13-Tool Thief )
8 - Dark Blue (8-BrickLayer )
9 - Dark Green (2-Smart Chaser )
10 - Turquoise (11-Digger )
11 - Dark Red (12-TimeBomber )
12 - Pink (5-Post Guard )
13 - Dark Yellow there is no Grunt of this color
14 - Grey there is no Grunt of this color
15 - Cyan (GooSucker )
16 - White (Toyer )
?? - Olive Magic Wand Grunt and Scroller Grunt
Smarts: 0 is the player's Grunt, if resurrected
1 - Green Team (Battlez)
2 - Blue Team (Battlez)
3 - Red Team (Battlez)
Points: 0: default ... 25% of the Goo Well is filled
10 (example 1) ... only 10% of the Goo Well is filled
40 (example 2) ... 40% of the Goo Well is filled
70 (example 3) ... 70% of the Goo Well is filled
220 (example 4) ... the Goo Well is filled ... once (the rest is lost)
Sucking up examplez 2 and 3 resultz in one Grunt, and 10% is lost.