Gruntz Box
Gruntz In Space
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  • Start with two bare-handed gruntz and a gauntletz grunt (trapped behind red pyramidz ).
  • Bare-handed grunt (#1) walkz down, and standz on the green hold switch .
  • Bare-handed grunt (#2)
    • walkz down past the lowered green pyramid
    • standz on the red hold switch .
  • Gauntletz grunt
    • (avoiding enemy gruntz )
    • walkz back a little and breakz all the rock crystalz (some which contain thingz helpful in that task).
  • Bare-handed grunt (#1)
    • leavez the green hold switch
    • pickz up straw (Tool #1) and the baby-walker (Toy #1)
  • Gauntletz grunt (#3)
    • killz the four enemy gruntz
    • (watch out for the arrowz).
  • Straw grunt
    • possibly assistz gauntletz in battling the enemy gruntz
    • suckz 4 goo puddlez .
    • returnz to the green hold switch so that gauntletz grunt can pass the green pyramid
  • Bare-handed grunt (#4)
    • enterz onto the GruntCreationPad
    • (onto the enemy grunt , squishing him).
  • Gauntletz grunt
    • walkz back to the beginning, passez the lava geyserz
    • breakz the rock crystalz .
  • Straw/baby-walker grunt
    • sneakz past the enemy grunt standing on the green hold switch and pickz up the coin #1 behind the lava geyser .
    • givez baby-walker to the enemy grunt , quickly getz the coin #2 behind the satellite, hitz the checkpoint switch and walkz down to step on the Black One-Time Switch .
  • Gauntletz grunt and new bare-handed grunt stand on the purple multi-grunt switchez
  • Bare-handed grunt (#2) stepz on the blue hold switch .
  • Straw grunt
    • enterz the blue wormhole, killz the enemy grunt
      (any way he can ... there is no further use for Goo ).
    • crossez the crumbling bridge maze (here's how)
    • passez the rolling rockz
    • crossez the toggling bridge maze.
    • walkz up and killz the four enemy gruntz
    • getz the gauntletz (Tool #2)
    • (welderz do not leave behind any Goo ).
  • Gauntletz grunt (#2)
    • walkz back, crossez the three arrowz and breakz the rock crystalz .
    • pickz up the roidz (Powerup #1)
    • killz the two enemy gruntz .
    • Tough timing puzzle! Have you SAVEd recently?
    • You have to hit the yellow toggle switch as the rolling rock is rolling away from the two-way arrow .
    • walkz down and stepz on the yellow toggle switch , which releasez a rolling rock (which travelz a little less than twice as fast as your grunt can move ... so get with it!)
    • runz to the upper right Black One-Time Switch and zigzagz downwardz over the other switchez , keeping ahead of the rock , passing between the two construction pyramidz to the final Black One-Time Switch . Whew!
    • breakz all the rock crystalz (watching out for flying lead from the enemy grunt ) pickz up coin #3 .
    • breakz rock crystal on the other side of the construction pyramidz (this is the red warp trigger).
    • walkz back, pickz up the invisibility (Powerup #2), goez upstairz and to the right, hitz the Black One-Time Switch and keepz on walking toward the end of the platform and pickz up the coin #4 behind the satellite.
    • getz past the enemy grunt any way he can, up the stairz to the center of the platform, waitz on the Black One-Time Switch that is there. (He is out of the game).
  • Bare-handed grunt (#2)
    • (waiting on the blue hold switch ) getz the yo-yo (Toy #2), walkz down the corridor and pickz up the megaphone -- gauntletz (Tool #3).
    • with Yo-Yo selected, walkz up the platform and stepz on the green hold switch .
    • when the enemy sword gruntz spotz him, step back one step and as soon as he hitz the green hold switch , give him the yo-yo and go to the blue wormhole.
    • pickz up the coin #5 in the lava geyser labyrinth, walkz to the other side of the maze, waitz there.
  • Remember the two gruntz () waiting on the purple multi-grunt switchez , back at the beginning?
    Give the bare-handed grunt the gauntletz from the resourcez and together they go to the CheckPoint Switchez .
  • As soon as they step on the southern checkpoint switch , the nearest enemy grunt attacks; step aside and hit the CheckPoint Switch again.
  • Both gruntz walk down (ignoring three enemy gruntz ) and kill the enemy grunt .
  • One grunt stepz on the green hold switch while the other gauntletz grunt breakz the rock crystalz and collectz coin #6 .
  • Bare-handed grunt (#2)
    • waiting near the lava maze
    • stepz on the Orange Up/Down Switch
    • goez back through the lava geyser labyrinth to wait on the stairway next to the orange pyramidz
    • Do not pick up the invulnerability powerup! (Yet.)
  • One of the gauntletz gruntz
    • passez the disco light
    • breakz rock crystal (can of Zap Cola , for whichever Grunt needz it)
    • walkz forward to use the megaphone -- shovel (Tool #4) hidden behind the satellite
    • walkz back and breakz the red brick on the left (and losez his Tool)
    • returnz to swap placez with the remaining gauntletz grunt
    • (stay as near the two yellow arrowz as is safe).
  • Gauntletz grunt
    • walkz around the open space toward the second enemy wingz grunt, just ignore the first one.
    • Secret #1:
      • breakz the rock crystalz and hit the '?' switch .
      • when the disco light movez toward the grunt, avoid the tornado by walking back and then straight to the '?' switch .
    • When your bare-handed buddy returnz to safety from the Warp letter , press the orange switch
    • (The bare-handed grunt , waiting near the orange pyramidz , is now free to act!
    • Then make your way back to stand on one of the two green hold switchez .
  • Bare-handed grunt
    • followz the path to the warp letter and back again; walk fast.
    • walkz back across the arrowz
    • takez his place on one of the two green hold switchez .
  • Bare-handed grunt (#2)
    • (waiting on the stairz)
    • pickz up the invulnerability powerup (Powerup #3)
    • hitz the Black One-Time Switch
    • walkz down and passez the lava geyserz (and lowered green pyramidz ) toward the silver timer switch .
    • stepz on the silver timer switch
    • one of your other gruntz passez the silver pyramidz at the left hand side
    • meanwhile you hit the red hold switch so he can get through
    • do the same thing for the other grunt.
  • Gauntletz grunt hitz the Black One-Time Switch switch
  • Bare-handed grunt
    • walkz down through the black pyramidz
    • passez through the narrow corridor at the bottom
    • waitz in a 'safe' spot.
  • The other bare-handed grunt
    • pickz up the boomerang (Tool #5)
    • turnz an enemy grunt into Goo
    • waitz on the left green hold switch .
  • Gauntletz grunt
    • hitz the silver timer switch twice (once for the stairz, the second time so the bare-handed grunt arrivez at the first green pyramidz .
    • hitz the silver timer switch for the third time and immediately proceedz to the right green hold switch , while the bare-handed grunt movez toward the next set of (lowered, when he reachez them) green pyramidz .
  • Boomerang grunt
    • hitz the enemy grunt , who blowz up some rock crystalz , the other enemy grunt and himself.
    • hitz the silver timer switch and the bare-handed grunt walkz to the Black One-Time Switch and on to the blue wormhole.
  • Bare-handed grunt getz the shovel from the resourcez.
  • Shovel grunt
    • walkz around the castle
    • racez two rolling rockz to the southwest corner
    • outwitz two more rolling rockz on his way north
    • waitz near the warpstone.
  • Gauntletz grunt
    • enterz the platform with the three remaining enemy gruntz
    • (The easiest way to kill them is having them fly above a hole while they attack (if your grunt doesn't get blown into a nearby hole ).)
    • breakz all rock crystalz , hitz the green toggle switch in the upper left hand corner, and the Black One-Time Switch and in the same area pickz up a coin #7 .
  • Gauntletz and boomerang gruntz
    • proceed toward the toggling bridge (have to zigzag over the breakable partz to get across)
    • wait just out of the range of the UFO.
  • Shovel grunt
    • drawz fire from the nearest enemy gunhat
    • stepz on the blue hold switch long enough for the gauntletz grunt to cross the bridge
    • movez to a safer place.
  • Gauntletz grunt killz both the enemy gruntz .
  • Gauntletz grunt and the boomerang grunt stand on the purple multi-grunt switchez .
  • Secret #2:
    • Shovel grunt closez the holez and triggerz the red warp.
    • The red warp takez him into the path of a rolling rock , so step lively!
    • You have to step on the yellow toggle switch with four rolling rockz 'guarding it' three timez
      1. once to toggle the two-way arrow to send the rolling rock to the Black One-Time Switch
      2. again to let it out to be smashed against the black pyramid
      3. a final time so you can get to the three coinz (#8 #9 & #10) .
    • The return red warp takez him back near the Warpstone.
    • pickz up the warpstone piece .
  • Warpstone grunt
    • goez back to the castle.
    • stepz on the silver timer switch and enterz the castle at the left through the center pyramid .
    • bringz warpstone to King.
Statz Page
Survivorz 4
Deathz 0
Toolz 5
Toyz 2
Powerupz 3
Coinz 10
Secretz 2
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GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Gruntz World
Copyright © 1999 - 2025
Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo