Gruntz Box
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
With four Gruntz, you can take on the world!
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  • start with a bare-handed grunt
  • bare-handed grunt
    • walkz to the right, past the slime
    • enterz the top row of yellow arrowz
    • usez the megaphone (#1) -- rock (Tool #1).
    • walkz past first olivez
    • hitz enemy rock grunt (twenty timez!) to kill him.
    • the green pyramidz will drop , enterz the blue wormhole.
    • walkz across the timed bridge to the blue wormhole.
    • walkz to the left, getz the toyer grunt's attention, then walkz as quickly as possible around, and stepz on the Black One-Time Switch , then enterz the blue wormhole.
    • will end up back by the bridgez, walkz across, usez megaphone (#2) -- straw (Tool #2).
    • takez rock from GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
  • Rock grunt
    • killz an enemy grunt .
    • enterz blue wormhole.
    • killz two enemy gruntz .
    • usez megaphone (#3) - jack in the box (Toy #1).
    • takez straw from GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
  • Straw grunt
    • suckz 4 goo puddlez
      • new grunt enterz on upper right GruntCreationPad
      • new bare-handed grunt stepz on the Black One-Time Switch next to him, causing three black pyramidz to drop .
    • stepz on CheckPoint Switch , enterz blue wormhole.
    • endz up in upper left square 'island' (the one with the cherry).
    • suckz a goo puddle (#1 of 4).
    • there are four of these 'islands', each with a single goo puddle ; you must go to each one by entering the green wormholez to suck 4 goo puddlez .
      • lower left green wormhole takez you to "pepper shaker" island.
      • upper left green wormhole takez you to "salt shaker" island.
      • upper right green wormhole takez you to "strawberry" island.
      • for the purpose of this walk-through, we will go clock-wise.
    • Walk into upper left green wormhole, to "salt shaker" island.
    • suck a goo puddle (#2 of 4).
      • upper left green wormhole takez you back to "cherry" island.
      • upper right green wormhole takez you to "strawberry" island.
      • lower right green wormhole takez you to "pepper shaker" island.
    • Walk into lower right green wormhole, to "pepper shaker" island.
    • suck a goo puddle (#3 of 4).
      • upper right green wormhole takez you to "strawberry" island.
      • lower right green wormhole takez you back to "cherry" island.
      • lower left green wormhole takez you back to "salt shaker" island.
    • Walk into upper right green wormhole, to "strawberry" island.
    • suck a goo puddle (#4 of 4).
      • lower right green wormhole takez you to island with a green wormhole and a blue wormhole.
      • lower left green wormhole takez you back to "pepper shaker" island.
      • upper left green wormhole takez you back to "salt shaker" island.
    • Walk into lower right green wormhole, to island with a blue wormhole.
    • go through the green wormhole (to "cherry" island) if you have not baked a new grunt;otherwise, go through the blue wormhole.
      • new grunt enterz on lower left GruntCreationPad
      • new bare-handed grunt stepz on the Black One-Time Switch next to him, causing three black pyramidz to drop .
    • enter the blue wormhole and end up near a jack-in-the-box CheckPoint Switch south of the Orange Up/Down Switchez .
    • takez jack-in-the-box from GruntzMachine (Resourcez) to exit, suckz goo puddle (#1 of 4).
    • walkz up, killz Post Guard enemy grunt , suckz goo puddle (#2 of 4), and stepz on green toggle switch .
    • walkz down, stepz on lower right Orange Up/Down Switch , walkz to the right, stepz on green toggle switch .
    • walkz back, stepz on upper left Orange Up/Down Switch , walkz to the left, givez jack-in-the-box to enemy sword grunt .
    • stepz on green toggle switch , exitz back to middle.
    • stepz on lower left Orange Up/Down Switch , walkz down past dropped green pyramidz , suckz goo puddle (#3 of 4).
    • usez megaphone (#4) - pogo stick (Toy #3).
    • walkz to the left, to the island, suckz a goo puddle (#4 of 4).
      • new grunt enterz on upper left GruntCreationPad
      • new bare-handed grunt stepz on the Black One-Time Switch next to him, causing three black pyramidz to drop .
    • Tough stuff! Have you SAVEd recently?.
    • walkz along the blue tilez to the right, use the yellow arrowz to avoid the olivez, stepz on CheckPoint Switch , and enterz the blue wormhole.
    • endz up back by the bridgez in the middle
    • takez pogostick from GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
    • givez pogostick to enemy grunt
    • suckz 4 goo puddlez .
      • new grunt enterz on lower right GruntCreationPad
      • new bare-handed grunt stepz on the Black One-Time Switch next to him, causing two black pyramidz to drop .
    • stepz on CheckPoint Switch --- he is now stranded.
  • the four new bare-handed gruntz are released
  • two bare-handed gruntz walk up, past the yellow spongegun enemy gruntz; one takez the super speed (Powerup #1), the other stepz on the silver timer switch .
  • powerup grunt runz to the right, past the silver pyramidz, stepz on the Black One-Time Switch , pickz up the spongegun (Tool #3), and usez the megaphone (#5) - club (Tool #4).
  • the remaining gruntz walk to the right, past the dropped black pyramidz.
  • Spongegun grunt
    • walkz down the stairz, avoiding slime, usez megaphone (#6) - shield (Tool #6), walkz up to step on blue toggle switch .
    • usez another megaphone (#7) - timebombz (Tool #5)
    • shootz the enemy grunt to the griddle.
  • Club grunt , two spongegun gruntz and shield grunt cross electrical outletz to CheckPoint Switchez .
  • Two spongegun gruntz 'gang up' to kill six enemy gruntz .
  • Shield grunt takez timebombz from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
  • Timebomb grunt
    • blowz up the sugar cubez .
    • getz Coin (#1) .
    • usez megaphone (#8) - shovel (Tool #6).
  • Club grunt takez shovel from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
  • Shovel grunt fillz holez , working with Timebomb grunt .
  • Timebomb grunt
    • blowz up all sugar cubez .
    • stepz on the yellow hold switch to the right to release the rolling olive, which will flip the green toggle switch .
    • pickz up the welder's kit and the Go-Kart in the corner.
    • What! They're not there? Must be another Gruntz Version 1.0 'bug'.
  • All four gruntz go to CheckPoint Switchez .
  • Timebomb grunt
    • walkz to the left, blowz up two sugar cubez , pickz up Coin #2 , goez through the electrical outletz , and blowz up

      the giant sugar cube pile, revealing
      four Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez

  • Timebomb grunt standz on blue hold switch .
  • Shovel grunt crossez the bridge to get the straw (Tool #7).
  • Straw grunt suckz at least four goo puddlez , and you bake a new grunt, entered on the GruntCreationPad near the King's Fortress.
  • Spongegun grunt walkz on bridge to the left, shootz enemy shield grunt into the blue wormhole; he will end up in area with '?' Switch
  • All four gruntz go to Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez .
  • the bare-handed grunt that is over by the fort pickz up the warpstone piece and waitz at the entrance to the King's Fortress. (Yes, you can complete the puzzle now, but you won't get a "PERFECT!" score.)
  • Straw grunt and Timebomb grunt wait near the three rowz of three arrowz (facing the wrong way).
  • Both spongegun gruntz walk to the area just above the '?' Switch .
  • Secret #1:
    • What you need to do is shoot the shield gruntz onto the '?' Switch
    • To move the shield grunt around use the keyboard selection (Ctrl-#) and target selection shortcutz ("T") for rapid targeting. The two sponge gruntz must shoot immediately one after another. It's all a matter of proper timing!
      1. Position two Spongegun gruntz ready to deliver a "one-two" nudge. The #1 grunt firez at the square in the path of the rolling olive , while the #2 grunt firez directly at the shield grunt.
      2. SAVE each time the shield grunt reachez a 'safe' square
        (the '2' square).
      3. Re-position two Spongegun gruntz ready to deliver the "three-four(?)" nudge. The grunt in the #4 position firez at the square in the path of the rolling olive, while the #3 grunt firez directly at the shield grunt.
      4. SAVE each time the shield grunt reachez a 'safe' square
        (the '4' square, this time).
      5. Re-position two Spongegun gruntz ready to deliver the "five-six" nudge. This is the last tight timing step in the solution.The grunt in the #6 position firez at the square in the path of the rolling olive, while the #5 grunt firez directly at the shield grunt.
      6. SAVE each time the shield grunt reachez a 'safe' square
        (the '6' square, this time).
      7. The southern grunt shootz the shield grunt to the '7' square.
      8. The northern grunt shootz the shield grunt to the '8' square.
      9. When you have the shield gruntz one square away from the '?' Switch , and no longer need the second Spongegun grunt , send one Spongegun grunt to the arrowz .
      10. You need to have the Straw grunt , Timebomb grunt , and Spongegun grunt ready to walk through the nine Arrowz .
      11. The southern grunt shootz the shield grunt from the '8' square onto the '?' Switch .
      12. When the Spongegun grunt shootz the enemy shield grunt to step on the '?' Switch , it will cause the three rowz of yellow arrowz up and to the left to disappear. Each gruntz movez forward to pick up one of the three Coinz (#3, #4 & #5) , and continuez walking to the left.
  • All three gruntz pass over electrical outletz to the Orange Switchez .
  • Straw grunt
    • stepz on the upper left Orange Up/Down Switch to drop the orange pyramidz to the left.
    • Then have the Spongegun grunt shoot the enemy sword grunt into a hole .
      (Or have Timebomb grunt light a charge next to him).
  • Secret #2:
    • Spongegun grunt then needz to walk to the left to stand on the green toggle switch in the middle of the slime.
    • Straw grunt walkz the yellow arrowz; when he getz near to where the Spongegun grunt is standing, the Spongegun grunt has to shoot him to keep him from falling into the hole; he needz to continue walking down.
    • The red warp will appear; Straw grunt enterz it, pickz up three Coinz (#6, #7 & #8) , enterz return red warp, pickz up warpletter.
      (He's stranded there.)
  • The last coin:
    • Timebomb grunt and Spongegun grunt go down to the area with two rolling olivez.
    • Very tough stuff! Have you SAVEd recently?.
    • Spongegun grunt crossez to the first safe spot near the (satisfied) CheckPoint Switch .
    • Timebomb grunt walkz to the marred tile and usez the Arrow to survive the passing of the two rolling olivez. Those rolling olivez should be moving from right to left when the next step is taken.
    • Spongegun grunt followz the rolling olivez to stand with Timebomb grunt between him and the Arrow , and shootz at the Arrow .
    • Timebomb grunt
      • stepz on the Arrow just as the sponge arrivez, and is propelled to the blue wormhole.
        (Spongegun grunt , alas, does not survive.)
      • arrivez where the original grunt started the game ... with seven sugar cubez still unbroken ... Coin #9 is under one of them!
  • Warpstone grunt bringz warpstone to King
Statz Page
Survivorz 5
Deathz 1
Toolz 9
Toyz 2
Powerupz 1
Coinz 9
Secretz 2

Cheatz for completing all 4 levelz:


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Gruntz World
Copyright © 1999 - 2025
Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo