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Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
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- Start with 2 bare-handed gruntz and a
gauntletz grunt trapped
within purple pyramidz
- Bare-handed grunt pickz up
squeak toy (Toy #1).
- Bare-handed/squeak toy grunt
- walkz down to the middle of the outletz
- usez megaphone
-- gauntletz (Tool #1).
- Gauntletz/squeak toy grunt
- killz two enemy gruntz
- breakz sugar cubez in
the area
- Bare-handed grunt
- pickz up Welder's Kit
from the Landing Area .
- What! No Welder's Kit?!?
- Must be another Gruntz
Version 1.0 'bug'.
- pickz up toob (Tool #2).
- Toob grunt
enterz water, and getz enemy grunt to
follow him back to the countertop.
- Toob grunt
and gauntletz/squeak toy grunt gang up to
kill enemy grunt .
- Toob grunt
- enterz water and goez and stepz on Black
One-Time Switch
- then goez to other island and usez the
- wingz (Tool #3).
- exitz water by the green pyramidz and
losez toob
- when Wingz/squeak toy grunt lowerz the
green pyramidz ,
pickz up shovel (Tool #4).
- Shovel grunt
- digz up a mound (if
he's thirsty)
- fillz in a hole (or
three ... only one is required)
- Gauntletz/squeak toy grunt takez the
- Wingz/squeak toy grunt walkz as far to
the south as he can, then fliez to the green
toggle switch by the
frying egg
- Both gruntz walk to the CheckPoint Switchez
- Wingz/squeak toy grunt getz enemy grunt
far away from the orange switchez as
possible (near the Spice bottle would be
good), and givez him the squeak toy .
- One grunt stepz on the lower right orange
- Both gruntz
- walk past the lowered orange pyramidz ,
and kill the enemy grunt
- drinkz a Bottle of Zap Cola
(if he's thirsty)
- walk around, and stand on the purple
switchez to
release the gauntletz grunt.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz sugar
cubez , stepz
on green toggle switch
- One grunt exitz the area and stepz on upper
orange switch .
- All three gruntz walk up, past
the lowered orange pyramidz , to the
next area.
- Shovel grunt fillz holez , one to
reach a Tool, and another (if anyone needz
health) to reach some Zap Cola .
- Wingz grunt
pickz up bricklaying toolz (Tool #5).
- Shovel grunt and Gauntletz
kill enemy grunt .
- Shovel grunt digz up a mound
fillz in the hole for
more Zap Cola .
- Gauntletz grunt standz on
green hold switch .
- Shovel grunt and Bricklayer
grunt walk
past the (lowered) green pyramidz to
enter rolling olive area.
- Shovel grunt walkz to the
right (perhapz cutting the oddz from three to
one, to two to one) and standz on red switch .
- Bricklayer grunt walkz past the
(lowered) red pyramidz
(perhapz cutting the oddz from three to one,
to two to one) to step on the Black One-Time
Switch .
- Shovel grunt and Bricklayer
grunt walk
back past the green pyramidz .
- All three gruntz, Gauntletz , Shovel and Bricklayer
- go to the CheckPoint Switchez .
- gang up to kill the 2 enemy gruntz
- two gruntz (not Shovel ) can drink a
Bottle of Zap Cola
(if he's thirsty).
- One grunt (Shovel is a good
choice) stepz on the silver timer switch .
- Another grunt goez through the silver
pyramidz , and
standz on the red hold switch .
- Other two gruntz walk through the dropped
red pyramidz .
- Shovel grunt digz up the
middle mound .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz top
brown brick in the stack of brickz .
- Shovel grunt pickz up bomb (Tool #6).
- Bomb grunt
runz to yellow brick to blow
it up. (Death #1)
- Gauntletz gruntz breakz brown
brick , stepz
on Black One-Time Switch .
- Both remaining gruntz walk up past
the black pyramidz .
- Gauntletz grunt
- pickz up the monster wheel (Toy #2)
- breakz sugar cubez ,
pickz up Coin #1
- givez monster wheel to enemy grunt .
- Bricklayer grunt buildz brick to stop
rolling olivez.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brick
buddy laid, then another brick ... and
losez his gauntletz.
- Both Bare-handed grunt Bricklayer
grunt and
walk through.
- Bare-handed grunt
- walkz around slime to the right, down,
and the left
- killz enemy grunt
- by walking onto outletz path ,
and stopping on safe spot (leavez no
Goo puddle )
- or even with his bare handz
(leavez useless Goo puddle ).
- walkz through rest of outletz
- pickz up gauntletz (Tool #7).
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz sugar cubez
- stepz on Black One-Time Switch .
- enterz blue wormhole, breakz sugar cubez
- pickz up Coin #2
- walkz back through the slime to the
sugar cube by the rolling olivez
- breakz the sugar cube to
reveal the '?' switch .
- Secret #1:
- The easy way:
bricklaying grunt standz
between the two setz of holez surrounding
coinz (#3 and #4).
- Gauntletz grunt
- stepz on '?' switch .
- The hard
- followz the changing
Construction Pyramidz
- towardz (and across) the
electrical outletz
to reach the spot where
- bricklayer
standz in The
easy way:.
- the holez above whichever grunt
will disappear.
- walk up to the coin, but don't pick it
- WAIT until the hole under the coin fillz
- then pick up Coin
- walk down as quickly as possible.
- The same thing will happen for the lower
set of holez
- so go get Coin #4
- Move both gruntz to the area near the
- See the megaphone
down there?
- Eventually, someone will have to use that
thing, so you may enter the hazardous area
and do it now, or wait until later.
- Since Gauntletz is faster
and stronger than Bricklayer , he is the
better choice to do battle with the three
enemy gruntz .
- Gauntletz grunt
- walkz up to the left, through the
outletz ,
and down
- Secret
- standz just below the Black One-Time
- the red wormhole will
open, enter it
- walkz through the yellow arrowz, and
let the spongegun grunt shoot you onto
the Coin #5
- then let him shoot you onto the
lower row of arrowz
- walk to the right to get the
- enter red wormhole to
- (exitz the area near the fort)
- Bricklayer grunt
- walkz to the left and killz the three
enemy gruntz
- usez the megaphone
-- squeak toy (Toy #3)
- ... (if that wasn't done earlier)
- buildz a brick by
the fort to stop the olive.
- Gauntletz grunt
- getz the squeak toy from Grumley, the
GruntzMachine keeper
- givez it to the enemy grunt
- pickz up warpstone .
- Warpstone grunt bringz
warpstone to King
Survivorz |
2 |
Deathz |
1 |
Toolz |
7 |
Toyz |
3 |
Powerupz |
0 |
Coinz |
5 |
Secretz |
2 |
GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo