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Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
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- Start with 2 bare-handed gruntz .
- One bare-handed grunt
- pickz up pogostick (Toy #1), givez
pogostick to enemy grunt
- pickz up boxing glovez (Tool #1).
- Boxing Glovez grunt knockz two
enemy gruntz into
space, pickz up coin #1
- Bare-handed grunt walkz through maze, pickz
up welder's kit (Tool #2).
- both gruntz walk up, past the yellow arrowz
- Boxing Glovez grunt goez to
his CheckPoint Switch .
- Welder grunt
- killz the two enemy gruntz
which dropz the green pyramidz
- goez to his CheckPoint Switch
- killz the enemy grunt .
- Boxing glovez grunt takez the
straw (Tool #3),
suckz 2 goo puddlez .
- Welder grunt
- walkz around invulnerability powerup , shootz fire
(twice each!) at two enemy gruntz
and killz them
- pickz up invunerability powerup (Powerup #1), and
leadz two gruntz toward dice
(they're empty, just obstaclez) to break
them, killz survivorz
- shootz fire at two enemy gruntz
and killz them
- usez megaphone
-- wingz
- pickz up springz (Tool #4).
- Straw grunt
suckz 2 goo puddlez , bakez
new grunt, drop on Grunt Creation Pad .
- Bare-handed grunt takez wingz
(Tool #5).
- All three gruntz go to CheckPoint Switchez .
- Springz grunt and straw grunt
gang up on
enemy grunt to
kill him (quickly)
- Springz grunt goez down,
crossez over hole , usez
megaphone --
gauntletz , stepz
on green toggle switch , and he
and straw grunt gang up on enemy
Goo Sucker grunt
- Straw grunt
takez gauntletz (Tool #6),
he breakz dice .
- Secret #1:
- Gauntletz grunt walkz to
the single square that is surrounded by
spikez .
- red wormhole will open
- Springz grunt springz
over single hole to
enter red wormhole
- pickz up warpletter , enterz
return red wormhole
- Gauntletz grunt walkz to
stand near the construction pyramidz that
are blocking the way to the
- Springz grunt springz to pick
up wingz
(Tool #7)
surrounded by holez .
- Remember: wingz
wear out, so walk as far as possible, then
fly; this will give you maximum amount
of flying time.
- for this part, you have to use both wingz
gruntz, so I will identify which is which (you
may want to read this part over before you try
it ... or just
see how it's done)
- Wingz grunt
#1 walkz to edge
closest to Black One-Time Switch island,
fliez directly (on the
diagonal) across to island to stand on Black
One-Time Switch .
- Wingz grunt
- walkz to the end of the path below the
lowered black pyramidz
- fliez to the red hold switch
- Wingz grunt
#1 then fliez
across to stand bottom center of the red
pyramidz island.
- Wingz grunt
- fliez directly to the
green hold switch
- waitz until Wingz grunt #1 reachez red
hold switch
- Wingz grunt
- blowz a tornado at the enemy grunt to
the east
- repeatz until the enemy grunt emulatez
Wile E. Coyote
- standz on red hold switch
- is now stranded.
- Wingz grunt
- walkz past the red pyramidz, and pickz
up a new pair of wingz (Tool #8).
- walkz to ledge with card on it, fliez up
to ledge by rolling 8-ball
- walkz across to ledge in lake, fliez to
crumbling poker chipz
- walkz across crumbling poker chipz ,
fliez to ledge
- finish
up by walking past yellow arrow
- pickz up a new set of wingz (Tool #9)
- walkz across lower set of crumbling
poker chipz to
- walkz up as far as possible, then right
click on the Black One-Time Switch , so
that he will fly to step on it
- fliez up to land back in area where you
began this level, walkz to the left to
stand between the two
treez then fly up and to the left to get
to the '?' switch ,
which is behind a
- Secret #2:
- Wingz grunt stepz on '?'
switch ,
the construction pyramidz in
front of the gauntletz grunt will
temporarily disappear
- Gauntletz grunt
- walkz across
to the Giant Dice room
- breakz
- several small dice ... which he
- pickz up five coinz
(#2, #3, #4, #5 & #6) .
- is now stranded.
- Wingz grunt
fliez back to warpstone island, pickz up
- Warpstone grunt bringz
warpstone to King
Survivorz |
3 |
Deathz |
0 |
Toolz |
9 |
Toyz |
1 |
Powerupz |
1 |
Coinz |
6 |
Secretz |
2 |
GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo