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Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
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- start with 4 bare-handed gruntz .
- 2 bare-handed gruntz (#2 & #3) walk
right, up, left to Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez
- Bare-handed grunt #4 (nearest
the stairz) walkz to Black One-Time Switch , standz
on it, pickz up boxing glovez (tool #1).
- Boxing glovez grunt knockz
four enemy gruntz into
or holez (goez
back to the Bottle of Zap Cola ,
if necessary).
- Bare-handed grunt #2 walkz
between yellow arrowz, usez megaphone --
gauntletz (tool #2), stepz on
Black One-Time Switch .
- Boxing glovez grunt
- walkz past black pyramid .
- stepz on another Black One-Time Switch to
kill enemy grunt
throwing wood.
- Bare-handed grunt #3 walkz
back to the Rock in the
lower left-hand corner, getz gauntletz.
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz rock ,
stepz on the blue toggle switch he
- walkz to join the Boxing Glovez grunt
- (may break a rock
along the way).
- Bare-handed grunt stepz on
silver timer switch .
- Gauntletz grunt
- goez half way through silver pyramidz
- Bare-handed grunt stepz
on silver timer switch again
- goez the rest of the way through silver
- breakz rock in
the center blocking the stairway
('bannisterz' are empty)
- (may break a rock
containing a can of Zap Cola )
- breakz red brick ,
losez gauntletz.
- stepz on green toggle switch .
- Get all three gruntz to the area above the
silver pyramidz.
- One Grunt usez the megaphone --
bomb .
- Bare-handed grunt takez bombz
(tool #3).
- Suicide bomber grunt runz to center of
three rockz (death #1).
- Bare-handed grunt takez
gauntletz (tool #4).
- Gauntletz grunt and Boxing
glovez grunt stand on
CheckPoint Switchez .
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz rockz .
- use megaphone
-- spy gear (tool #5).
- breakz brick and
rockz to
release Bare-handed grunt
- Boxing glovez grunt takez spy
- Gauntletz grunt and spy grunt
go thru maze;
spy brickz before you break them.
- Gauntletz grunt killz enemy
grunt , getz
straw (tool #6).
- Straw grunt
suckz goo (1 of 4).
- Spy grunt and
Straw grunt
walk across, kill enemy grunt .
- Straw grunt
suckz goo (2 &
3 of 4).
- Spy grunt
stepz on blue toggle switch .
- Spy grunt and
Straw grunt
walk to stand on CheckPoint Switchez .
- Bare-handed grunt standz near
Secret Switch ... and
- Spy grunt and
Straw grunt
go thru green wormhole (be sure to move the
first one out of the way before you teleport
the second).
- Straw grunt
attackz enemy grunt ,
losez straw.
- Spy grunt and
Bare-handed grunt kill enemy
grunt .
- Bare-handed grunt re-takez
straw, suckz goo (4 of
4), bake new grunt.
- Spy grunt
stepz on green hold switch and
Straw grunt
stepz on green toggle switch ...
both exit Green Pyramidz .
- Straw grunt
skipz goo (1 of
4) ... there will not be a 4 of 4.
- Bare-handed grunt pickz up
gauntletz (tool #7).
- Gauntletz grunt
- breaks
revealing ...
nothing but a Keg of Zap Cola
- pickz up coin #1
- Spy grunt
spiez brickz.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brick
- Gauntletz grunt , Spy grunt and Straw grunt 'gang up' to
kill enemy grunt .
- Straw grunt
skipz goo (2 of
4) ... there will not be a 4 of 4.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz rockz
leave warpstone for
- Spy grunt
spiez brickz.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brick
- Gauntletz grunt , Spy grunt and Straw grunt 'gang up' to
kill enemy grunt .
- Straw grunt
skipz goo (3 of
4) ... there will not be a 4 of 4.
- Spy grunt
spiez brickz.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz
explosive brick , which
killz 3 enemy gruntz ...
and himself (death #2).
- Spy grunt
walkz up, and standz on edge of stairz.
- Straw grunt
- pickz up gokart (toy #1).
- givez gokart to enemy grunt ,
he ridez into lava.
- walkz into treez at lower right corner,
just to the right of the fort; walk him
down, then left, then up into hidden blue
- will teleport to blue wormhole in upper
right corner.
- pickz up coin #2
- walkz around blue wormhole to arrow in
upper right corner
- Secret
- red warp will open just to the left,
near Spy grunt .
- Spy grunt walkz
through red warp, he will end up on
far left side of game board.
- pickz up coin
#3 .
- Secret
- stranded Bare-handed grunt
stepz on Secret Switch .
- Spy grunt walkz
to bridge to warpletter, pickz up
warpletter .
- walkz back through return red
- Spy grunt
walkz down, pickz up warpstone .
- Straw grunt
walkz through blue wormhole (not really
- Warpstone grunt bringz
warpstone to King.
Survivorz |
3 |
Deathz |
2 |
Toolz |
7 |
Toyz |
1 |
Powerupz |
0 |
Coinz |
3 |
Secretz |
2 |
GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo