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- start with 2 bare-handed gruntz
- One bare-handed grunt
megaphone --
gauntletz (Tool #1).
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz rockz

- killz enemy grunt
- breakz rockz
usez megaphone
-- straw (Tool #2).
- Bare-handed grunt
- Straw grunt
- suckz 2 goo puddlez
- standz on blue hold switch
- when Gauntletz grunt
waitz near black pyramidz .
- Gauntletz grunt
- walkz across bridge, avoiding holez
stepz on Black One-Time Switch and
- walkz through green

- breakz rockz
usez megaphone
-- jack-in-the-box (Toy #1).
- breakz more rockz
pickz up 3 coinz (#1
#2 & #3) .
- stepz on Black One-Time Switch
- breakz rock
standz on yellow hold switch ,
rolling rock breakz.
- stepz on green
red toggle switchez for
bare-handed grunt .
- takez his place on his CheckPoint Switch
- Straw grunt
- suckz 2 goo puddlez
enough to bake a new grunt.
- takez his place on his CheckPoint Switch
- Bare-handed grunt
- goez through green

- takez jack-in-the-box

- takez his place on his CheckPoint Switch
- all three gruntz kill enemy grunt
- Gauntletz grunt
walkz down,
breakz rock , pickz
up coin #4 .
- Bare-handed
- walkz down, givez jack-in-the-box
enemy grunt .
- Secret
- stepz on Secret Switch
behind tree, pickz up coin #5 .
- takez the baby-walker
to the blue toggle switch .
- What! No baby-walker? Another Gruntz
Version 1.0 'bug'.
- stepz on blue toggle switch
pickz up shovel (Tool #3).
- Shovel grunt
- fillz holez
yellow hold switch .
- standz on yellow hold switch
and killz 3 enemy gruntz.
- this is as far as he goez.
- Straw grunt
suckz 3 goo puddlez   .
- Gauntletz grunt
goez through
yellow arrowz, breakz a rock ,
followed by the Straw grunt .
- Straw grunt
- suckz another goo puddle
enough to bake a new grunt.
- pickz up toob
(Tool #4).
- Toob grunt
- goez in water from Landing Area
Landing Area .
- stepz on green hold switch
release Bare-handed grunt .
- stepz on blue toggle switch
Black One-Time Switch .
- crossez water past lowered black
toward the warpstone (losez toob).
- takez warpstone
stepz on blue toggle switch .
- Warpstone grunt
crossez over
bridge and waitz near the green pyramidz .
- Gauntletz grunt
bridge, breakz rockz , pickz
up coin #6 , killz enemy grunt
- Bare-handed
crossez bridge, pickz up monster wheel (Toy #2).
- all gruntz go to CheckPoint Switchez
- Bare-handed
wheel grunt givez monster wheel to enemy grunt
move him off green hold switch .
- Warpstone grunt
walkz across
toward erupting lava geyserz .
- Gauntletz grunt
pickz up
reactive armor
(powerup #1),
killz 2 enemy gruntz .
- Warpstone grunt
walkz over to
fort area.
- Secret #2:
- Bare-handed grunt
past single erupting lava geyser .
- red warp openz, go through red warp to
get Warp letter
- Gauntletz grunt
breakz brickz
in stack , losez
- Bare-handed
gauntletz) grunt pickz up coin #7 behind tree.
- Warpstone grunt
warpstone to King.
Survivorz |
4 |
Deathz |
0 |
Toolz |
4 |
Toyz |
2 |
Powerupz |
1 |
Coinz |
7 |
Secretz |
2 |

GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz

Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo