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Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
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- start with 2 bare-handed gruntz .
- One bare-handed grunt
- pickz up monster wheel (toy #1).
- Givez monster wheel to enemy grunt .
- Usez megaphone
-- gauntletz (tool #1) ... takez
them himself.
- Gauntletz grunt
- breaks
revealing ... nothing(!)
- turnz enemy grunt
into Goo.
- breakz rock ,
stepz on red toggle switch .
- walkz down across arrowz ,
breakz rockz ,
standz on green hold switch .
- Bare-handed grunt pickz up
straw (tool #2),
suckz 4 goo puddlez .
- bake new grunt, drop on grunt pad
- Straw grunt
standz on green hold switch .
- Bare-handed grunt
- goez past lowered green pyramidz ,
stepz on Black One-Time Switch .
- usez megaphone
-- shovel (tool #3).
- pickz up shovel, digz up a mound ,
fillz in holez .
- Straw grunt
walkz back to crumbling bridge, and to Secret
Switch .
- Secret #1:
- Gauntletz grunt standz
by arrowz pointing down below coin.
- Straw grunt stepz on
Secret Switch .
- Gauntletz grunt pickz
up coin #1
- all 3 gruntz stand on their CheckPoint
Switchez .
- Gauntletz grunt pickz up
(powerup #1),
killz 3 enemy gruntz .
- Shovel grunt digz up moundz , fillz
in holez , pickz
up 2 coinz (#2 & #3)
- Gauntletz grunt breakz a rock
revealing a toob (and maybe
breakz a couple more rockz ).
- Straw grunt
skipz the three Goo Puddlez (there
will not be a fourth), takez toob (tool #4).
- Toobz grunt
- goez in water, pickz up baby walker
- What! No baby walker?
- Must be another Gruntz
Version 1.0 'bug'.
- pickz up coin #4
from bridge
- goez to lower island, stepz on Black
One-Time Switch ,
stepz on blue toggle switch .
- Gauntletz grunt and Shovel
grunt walk
across bridge.
- Shovel grunt standz on yellow
hold switch and
fillz in holez
- Gauntletz grunt stepz on
arrow .
- When Gauntletz grunt has passed
the first two-way arrow , move
Shovel grunt
to the other yellow hold switch .
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz rock
(with explosive resultz)
- stepz on green toggle switch .
- turnz enemy grunt
into Goo.
- Shovel grunt digz up a mound
pickz up bomb (tool #5).
- Bomb grunt
and Gauntletz grunt stand on
CheckPoint Switchez .
- Bomb grunt
readz note ,
killz 5 enemy gruntz (death #1).
- Gauntletz grunt standz on
green hold switch .
- Toobz grunt
comez across.
- Gauntletz grunt killz 2 enemy
gruntz ,
1 enemy grunt .
- Toobz grunt
followz Gauntletz grunt .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz rockz
leave warpstone for
- Toobz grunt
crossez water, stepz on blue toggle switch .
- Gauntletz grunt crossez
- Secret #2:
- Toobz grunt goez back in
water, goez to inlet on right to open red
warp, then move him to safety to avoid
bird droppingz
- Gauntletz grunt goez
through red warp, through green warps and
crumble bridge.
- follow diagram below, stepping on
crumble bridge stonez in
sequence. (Tile #17 is unnecessary.)
boxez are wormholez.) |
- Gauntletz grunt pickz up
warpletter and breakz
a rock to get
coin #5 , goez through
return red warp.
- Toobz grunt
goez and pickz up warpstone.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brown
layer of a brick stack , pickz
up bomb (tool #6), bombz three
gold brickz (death #2).
- Warpstone grunt bringz
warpstone to King.
Survivorz |
1 |
Deathz |
2 |
Toolz |
6 |
Toyz |
1 |
Powerupz |
1 |
Coinz |
5 |
Secretz |
2 |
GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo