Walkthrough (Normal mode only)
Number Gruntz (left to right) as #2, #1 and #3

Grunt Description of what to do

Bare-handed #3
Seez something glittering, investigatez, and pickz up a Coin (Coin #1).
Walkz to the stormy area and usez a Megaphone (#1) to call for a Tool (Tool #1).
Retreatz from the approaching storm, then followz it to use another Megaphone (#2) to call for another Tool (Tool #2).

Bare-handed #2
Walkz toward the enemy Grunt , and enticez him to chase him past the westernmost of three Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS) and then pullz a rabbit (er, Tool ) out of the hat (er, GruntzMachine), becoming Bootz Grunt #2.
Since Gravity Bootz #2 is stronger, the enemy Grunt wisely stopz chasing.

Bare-handed #3
Walkz toward the enemy Grunt , and enticez him to chase him past the center of three PMGSz and then pullz a Tool out of the GruntzMachine, becoming Club Grunt #3.
Since Club #3 is stronger, the enemy Grunt wisely stopz chasing.
With one enemy Grunt standing on one PMGS and another enemy Grunt standing on another PMGS , Grunt #1 (still Bare-Handed ) jumpz on the remaining one , and the three Purple Pyramidz (PP) are lowered !

Club #3 or

Gravity Bootz #2
Enticez one of the enemy Gruntz into attacking, then retreatz past the lowered PPz .
Meanwhile, the Grunt back at the PMGS stepz off, squishing the attacking Grunt when the PPz are raised . Step back on and repeat once more for maximum effect.
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