Walk-through ... Page 3
Grunt |
What to do in order to proceed through the solution of the puzzle |
Boomerang #1 |
Take out the enemy gruntz with it, but be careful you don’t also take out the timid guyz you worked so hard to push right where you needed them to be!
(But you can hurt them a little … you know, soften them up for later. 
With the enemy gruntz with the "butter knivez" out of the way, you can just waltz right in and pick up those Springz (Tool #5)!
Springz #1 |
“Hah! I could get through thiz with my eyez closed!” So do it, already!
Make your way through the Spikez spiked with FGBz to pick up whatever goodiez you can find in the area … like that Coin (Coin #5), and those Gravity Bootz (Tool #6). ‘Cause there ain’t no way to get out of here with the Springz, and those Spikez are hazardous to your health!
Bootz #1 |
The only thing to do with the Bootz is protect your feet while you mosey on down to pick up the Gauntletz (Tool #7) you need to clear the way out to the south. |
Gauntletz #1 |
Break the Rock in the center (quickly … those Spikez are sharp … they hurt!), and get to the CPS .
You have no time to dawdle, however, ‘cause there’s a guy shooting at you. Dodge those missilez, and then break the remaining Rockz  while the enemy is reloading.
If you’re brave (and your health is at least fair … yellow) you can pick up whatever you find … like that Coin (Coin #6); else, leave it until you (or another Grunt with more health) are sure you can survive the Spikez . Then see what you can do about the enemy Gruntz … like turn them into Goo , for instance!
If you are observant, you will know what has to be done to get to them, and won’t create new hazardz for yourself (or a buddy) later.
When “the coast is clear” you can satisfy that CPS and proceed to the south.
Read the note , just to refresh your memory on what to do with the next item you find.
Break the Mushroom and reveal a Coin (Coin #7) atop a QMS .
Have you SAVEd lately? Then proceed … with caution.
When you exit from the Secret puzzle, you will have recovered the Warp letter .
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