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Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
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- Start with 2 Bare-handed gruntz .
- Bare-handed grunt pickz up
gauntletz (Tool #1).
- Gauntletz grunt
- killz enemy grunt .
- Usez megaphone
-- gokart (Toy #1).
- walkz down, breakz cupcakez .
- Bare-handed grunt
- takez gokart from GruntzMachine
- givez gokart to enemy grunt .
- pickz up straw (Tool #2), suckz 4
goo puddlez .
- waitz for Gauntletz grunt at the
yellow arrow .
- Gauntlets gruntz stands on upper yellow hold
switch .
- Straw grunt
- stepz on yellow arrow .
- usez megaphone
-- jump rope (Toy #2).
- stepz on green toggle switch .
- Gauntletz grunt standz on
lower yellow hold switch .
- Straw grunt
- stepz on yellow arrow .
- takez jump rope from GruntzMachine
- with jumprope in hand, crossez green
- gives jumprope to green enemy gruntz.
- walkz back toward stairz
- Secret
- walkz over the spikez
to the ordinary looking tile
- Red warp will open next to
Gingerbread Man
- walkz into red warp
- landz on Landing Area
next to toob
- pickz up toob (Tool #3)
- jumpz in water, paddlez to bridge
(losez toob)
- walkz across candy/cookie bridge
- goez through blue wormhole, pickz up
3 Coinz (#1, #2
& #3)
- goez through return red warp.
- Bare-handed grunt stepz on
green hold switch to take
out enemy grunt .
(He's now trapped, but three green pyramidz are now
lowered .)
- Gauntletz grunt breakz red
brick , losez
- Bare-handed grunt walkz over
to the area by gruntz pad.
- Drop new grunt on pad.
- Move both gruntz to the area before the
super speed powerupz
- Bare-handed grunt (formerly
with gauntletz)
- pickz up super speed
(Powerup #1),
and runz by the enemy gruntz .
- pickz up a Coin #4
on the way.
- walkz to a CheckPoint Switch .
- Bare-handed grunt
- pickz up super speed
(Powerup #2),
and runz by the enemy shovel gruntz .
- pickz up a Coin #5
on the way.
- walkz to the other CheckPoint Switch .
- when the CheckPoint Pyramidz
drop ,
stepz on the Silver Timer Switch .
- The other grunt goes through the Silver
Pyramidz , pickz
up the boomerang (Tool #4).
- Boomerang grunt
- stepz on Silver Timer Switch ,
and exitz Silver Pyramidz .
- walkz up to cross water on lower bridge
- getz 2 Suicide Bomber gruntz to blow
themselvez up.
- stepz on Black One-Time Switch .
- pickz up two Coinz
(#6 & #7) .
- turnz 3 enemy gruntz
into goo puddlez .
- walkz back to cross water on lower
bridge .
- walkz across water on upper bridge .
- waitz on stairz next to Green Pyramidz .
- Bare-handed grunt pickz up
gauntletz (Tool #5).
- Gauntletz grunt stepz on top
green toggle switch .
- Boomerang grunt movez to
lowest square in first row of Green Pyramidz .
- Gauntletz grunt movez to
bottom green toggle switch - do not
walk over middle green toggle switch .
- Boomerang grunt
- movez through Green Pyramidz .
- usez megaphone
- bricklaying toolz (Tool #6).
- movez back through Green Pyramidz .
- walkz across water on upper bridge .
- takez bricklaying toolz
from GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
- Gauntletz grunt and
Bricklayer grunt stand on
CheckPoint Switchez .
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz
- stepz on green toggle switch .
- Gauntletz grunt and
Bricklayer grunt walk through
candlez, making sure that the green toggle
switch leavez
the Green Pyramidz down.
- Bricklayer grunt buildz a brick to
break a north/south rolling malted-milk ball.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brick
a cupcake to
reveal the warpstone.
- Leave the warpstone for now
- Bricklayer grunt
- buildz a brick to
break a north/south rolling malted-milk
ball .
- buildz a brick to
break a east/west rolling malted-milk ball
- makez room for Gauntletz grunt to work.
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz north/south brick .
- stepz on yellow toggle switch .
- breakz east/west brick .
- breakz a cupcake to
reveal spikez .
- Usez the megaphone
- Beach Ball (Toy #3).
- Movez to stand next to
- Bricklayer grunt
- takez beachball from GruntzMachine
- givez beachball to enemy grunt .
- stepz on Silver Timer Switch ,
then standz on green hold switch .
- Gauntletz grunt
- walkz across Green/Silver/Green
- breakz cupcakez ,
stepz on Black One-Time Switch .
- walkz back to Green/Silver/Green
- Bricklayer grunt stepz on Silver
Timer Switch , then
standz on green hold switch .
- Gauntletz grunt
- walkz across Green/Silver/Green
- enterz central area over lowered black
pyramid .
- breakz cupcakez to
reveal a Secret Switch .
- Secret #2:
- Move Bricklayer grunt to the maze
row, just above where warpstone is
- Gauntletz grunt stepz on
Secret Switch .
- Bricklayer grunt walkz to the
left, out of the maze, pickz up wingz (Tool #7).
- Wingz grunt
- needz to fly to the green wormhole
that was at the beginning area of the
- walkz south as far as he can, then
fliez across diagonally to the
- walkz west, then fliez over the
rectangular space.
- walkz north to the edge, then fliez
diagonally to the green wormhole (will
lose wingz).
- Bare-handed grunt
- will end up in the lower left corner
of the screen, in the crumbling
cookiez/warp letter section.
- walkz up diagonally to take the
warpletter .
- walkz down diagonally to the green
- will end up in the area by the red
hold switch .
- Gauntletz grunt takez
warpstone , walkz
to stairz leading to enemy grunt .
- Bare-handed grunt standz on
red hold switch .
- Warpstone grunt walkz quickly
past enemy grunt (may
get stabbed once).
- Warpstone grunt takez
warpstone to King.
Survivorz |
3 |
Deathz |
0 |
Toolz |
7 |
Toyz |
3 |
Powerupz |
2 |
Coinz |
7 |
Secretz |
2 |
GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo