Weaponz Grade

This is how one Tool stackz up against the otherz as weaponz, etc.

Tool Hit Accuracy Grade Pointz Won Drew Lost Health Health Score Value
Swordz 010 100% A 42 20 2 1 +285 +245 52.6 A-
Clubz 8 100% A- 40 19 2 2 +217 +177 47.7 C
Gauntletz 5 100% B+ 37 17 3 3 +198 +158 43.8 A
Shovel 6 100% B 38 18 2 3 +167 +127 43.5 A
Springz 5 100% B 38 18 2 3 +146 +106
42.6 B+
Spy Gear 4 100% B- 33 15 3 5 +140 +100 37.3 C
Brick(layer)z 4 100% C+ 25 11 3 9 +56 +16 25.7 C+
Gravity Bootz 3 100% C+ 23 10 3 10 +41 +1 23.0 B
Welder's Kit 020 25% C 41 19 3 1 +301 +261 21.6 C
Shieldz 1 100% C 21 9 3 11 -17 -57 18.5 C
Toobz 2 100% C 18 8 2 13 +6 -34 16.5 B+
Goober(Straw)z 2 100% C 19 8 3 12 -27 -67 16.1 B-
Gun Hatz 010 25% C 34 15 4 4 +149 +109 13.2 B-
Boomerangz 6 50% C- 24 11 2 10 +35 -5 11.8 B-
Rockz 8 25% D+ 25 11 3 9 +83 +43 8.1 C+
Bare-handed 1 100% D 14 6 2 15 -159 -199 6.4 C
TimeBombz 020 25% D 23 0 23 0 0 0 5.75 B-
(Boxing) Glovez 1 100% D 13 5 3 15 -150 -190 4.75 C+
Bombz 020 10% D- 23 0 23 0 0 0 2.3 D-
Wingz 2 50% F+ 15 6 3 14 -143 -183 -.5 B-
Sponge Gunz 1 25% F 7 3 2 18 -240 -280 -5.1 C+
(Magic) Wandz ? 0% F 4 0 4 19 -340 -380 -16.5 D+
Warpstone * 0 0% F 4 0 4 19 -340 -380 -16.5 A+

Formula used: (Winz X 2) + Drawz = Pointz.
Accuracy (subjective measurement) percentage is chance of scoring a 'Hit' when within range.
Health is the total health of the Grunt.
Health is the total health of the Grunt, eliminating Warpstone & Magic Wand Gruntz.
(Accuracy X Pointz) + (Health / 23[*22]) determinez Grade A-B-C-D-F (graded on the curve ).
Value is a (subjective) measure of overall utility and requirement for most Gruntz puzzlez.