- Start with two bare-handed gruntz
, one free
to move, the other trapped.
- Bare-handed grunt
- usez megaphone
-- gauntletz (Tool #1)
- standz on red hold switch
- Give gauntletz to other bare-handed grunt
, now free
to move.
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz all the mushroomz
can reach
- walkz down to step on red hold switch
- Bare-handed grunt
- walkz clockwise around quicksand, walkz
up stairz
- pickz up the toob
and the
Beach Ball 
- What! They aren't there?!? Must be
another Gruntz
Version 1.0 'bug'.
- followz the arrowz
choice) and pickz up the Magic Wand (Tool #2) ...
rolling ball spell.
- Magic Wand grunt
- castz a spell, standing in the center of
the area (losez 1/4 health).
- When the ballz start rolling, stepz out
of their way, walkz around the platforms,
left and down towardz the enemy grunt
getz him to follow you ... to get squished
by a rolling golf ball .
- standz in front of the single arrow
pointing to the left, cast the spell (has
now lost 1/2 health), and step out of the
- The pyramidz will drop ... usez the
-- springz (Tool #3), and then
enterz the green wormhole.
- pickz up coin #1
, followz
rolling golf ball
- usez the megaphone
-- boomerang (Tool #4).
- takez boomerang for himself.
- Boomerang grunt
- walkz back to the center peninsula
between the two enemy gruntz
- killz the enemy grunt
on the right
- killz the enemy grunt
on the left
- rolling golf ballz
will turn left and kill the two enemy
- followz the last rolling golf ball

- walkz up toward the CheckPoint Switch

- don't step on the
Black One-Time Switch

- stepz on the yellow toggle switch
release three rolling golf ballz 
- goez to the CheckPoint Switch

- stepz on the Black One-Time Switch

- walkz to the right towardz the green
- Gauntletz grunt
stepz on
green hold switch .
- Boomerang grunt
walkz up
three flightz of stairz    (avoiding
thundercloudz) and standz on red hold switch .
- Give springz to gauntletz grunt
- Springz grunt
- springz onto orange up/down Switch

- jumpz past the first set of bouncing
- Boomerang grunt
walkz across
to orange up/down Switch .
- Springz grunt
- jumpz past the second set of bouncing
- jumpz on green toggle switch

- goez to CheckPoint Switch

- walkz next to quicksand, jumpz holez
pickz up coin #2

- jumpz back and jumpz across moving
quicksand bridge

- usez megaphone
-- welder kit (Tool #5)
- springz back over breakaway bridge

- walkz up, and lurez first one enemy
then the other
toward you by jumping in the center and
then pass them on either side.
- takez the welder's kit.
- Welder grunt
- killz two enemy gruntz
they are too far away to shoot at,
but start attacking before you can get in
so you have to shoot to where they will
- (they leave no Goo
- pickz up straw (Tool
- Straw grunt
- suckz 4 goo puddlez
- stepz on Black One-Time Switch
- Boomerang grunt
pickz up the
(Tool #7)
- Gunhat grunt
- killz two enemy sgruntz
- walkz past area with thundercloudz
- followz in the space between the rolling
golf ballz

- waitz in the space between Construction
Pyramidz for an opening
- passez after rolling golf ball
enterz green wormhole.
- walkz north, dodging flying objectz
- Don't kill any of the four enemy gruntz
for the moment,
(but you may lower their health a bit,
once each)
you need them to get to the red warp
- Drop new grunt (carefully!) on the
by the
straw grunt ,
and move him off ... fast!
- Bare-handed grunt
- walkz right, goez downstairz,
- goez past the first set of rolling golf

- walkz upstairz and standz on lower
yellow hold switch
- Straw grunt
- walkz past all the rolling golf ballz
- stepz on the yellow toggle switch
behind the danger sign
- stepz on the center arrow
enter the arrow maze.
- Bare-handed grunt
- movez to upper yellow hold switch
once the straw grunt passez the
first two-way arrow .
- movez (quickly!) to center yellow hold
once the straw grunt passez the
second two-way arrow .
- movez to bottom yellow hold switch
once the straw grunt passez the
last two-way arrow .
- Straw grunt
movez quickly to stand on the green hold
switch by the
pool corner.
- Rolling golf ball
- will roll down across lowered green
pyramid and turn left,
- squishing the five enemy gruntz
- flip the red toggle switch
(lowerz the red pyramidz by
the '?' Switch ).
- Bare-handed grunt
- usez megaphone
-- gauntletz (Tool #8).
- takez gauntletz from the GruntzMachine
- Straw grunt
- usez megaphone
-- spy gear (Tool #9).
- takez spy gear from the GruntzMachine
- Both gruntz go to CheckPoint Switchez
- Spy grunt
stepz on blue toggle switch to
raise bridge tilez .
- Both gruntz (Gauntletz grunt
leading) walk
across bridge to the yellow arrowz.
- Secret #1:
- Gunhat grunt
- stepz on '?' Switch

- the three arrowz
on the right side will reverse 
- walk across the jumping golf ballz
follow in the space between the
rolling golf ballz 
- walk upstairz and pick up the coin #3
, walk back
downstairz, then upstairz, and pick up
the other coin
#4 , follow
(counter-clockwise) in the space
between the rolling golf ballz ,
and cross over the (lowered) purple
pyramidz .
- don't enter the green wormhole,
there is another secret in the area
- kill one (or two) of the enemy
on the left to lower some of the
purple pyramidz
and raise otherz
to break the rolling golf ballz .
- stand between the arrow and the
Purple Pyramid
- Secret
- click on the ordinary tile
  to walk diagonally as the ball
rollz over the lower arrow and
then move to the left to enter the
red wormhole.
- walk clockwise around the
quicksand, hit the enemy grunt
one time (from just under
the Golf Clubz), go upstairz and
get the coin
#5 .
- walk around again and shoot the
enemy grunt
for the second time (from the same
place); immediately run toward the
warp letter
after you've fired.
- when the enemy grunt
turnz into a goo puddle ,
the two-way arrow
will reverse 
- return through the red warp
- walk across a lowered purple pyramid
and around the purple pyramidz
and enter the green warp.
- Gunhat grunt
- may now kill the remaining enemy gruntz

- stepz on the yellow hold switch
release other gruntz.
- stepz on upper green hold switch
let other gruntz past pyramidz .
- Gauntletz grunt
- walkz north past the lowered green

- walkz downstairz
- standz on spikez
breakz the first brick 
- goez directly to the can of Zap Cola

- breakz the mushroom
which will blow up the explosive brick
(with the grunt back on the Zap Cola
- breakz the next brick
waitz on the foundation tile .
- Spy grunt
walkz to the foundation tile nearest
Gauntletz .
- Gunhat grunt
pickz up health
and readz it.
- Gauntletz grunt
- breakz the mushroom
which will blow up the gold brick .
- walkz to one of the Purple Multi-Grunt

- Spy grunt
walkz to the other Purple Multi-Grunt Switch ,
allowing Gunhat grunt to pick up
warpstone .
- Warpstone grunt
walkz around
to, and pickz up coin #6
and bringz
warpstone to the King.
Survivorz |
3 |
Deathz |
0 |
Toolz |
9 |
Toyz |
1 |
Powerupz |
0 |
Coinz |
6 |
Secretz |
2 |
Cheatz for completing all 4