Arrow: forced movement Tile
Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
stepped on, the grunt must move in the indicated direction!
Entering a Cross from the diagonal 'freezez' the grunt ... out of the game!

The imagez displayed in this document are addressed: [img src="../editor/Tilez/#Ab/Ab###.jpg] (replacing [ with < and ] with >).

To use these imagez in your own documentz, add ../../../ to the beginning of the address, as:
[img src="../../../../editor/Tilez/8GS/GS###.jpg]
because your document will be stored: hintz/Custom/Designer/CustomLevel/ on the web host, where Designer is your 'handle' and CustomLevel is the name of your creation(z).
BB: Brown (appearing) Brick (Tilez 303 through 305 and 306 through 329); may be up to three layerz tall, may be broken with Gauntletz , Timebombz or Bombz .
BHS: Blue Hold Switch (Tile 227 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep associated BTz raised (or lowered).
BOTS: Black One-Time Switch (Tile 217 ); it remainz down (Tile 218 ) once activated (one-time) and either raisez or lowerz associated BPz.
BP: Black Pyramid (Tilez 249 and 250 ).
BT: Bridge Tile (Tilez 257 through 266).� See SBT, CBT and TBT, respectively.
BTB: Blue Teleporter Brick (Tilez 312 through 317 ); useless in Questz (random destination), useful in Battlez.
BTS: Blue Toggle Switch (Tile 225 ); each time a Grunt (yours, or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the BTS, the associated BTz are raised (or lowered).
BW: Blue Wormhole ; may be used only once, so choose carefully which Grunt you send through it!
CBT: Crumbling Bridge Tile
Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
once stepped on, these Tilez disappear, never to be used again.
Stand too long on one of these, and it is just as if it were a 'Death Tile'.

CL: Custom Level
CP: Construction Pyramid (Tile 302 ); only Secret Switchez can ever have any effect on these immovable, unbreakable Objectz.
CPP: CheckPoint Pyramid (Tilez 213 and 214 ).
CPS: CheckPoint Switch (Tile 215 ); when properly satisfied (Tile 216 ), raisez (or lowerz) CPPz.
CPU: Covered Power Up; an Object found in or under another Object (Hole, or Rock).
DB: Death Brick (Tilez 324 through 329 ); black in color (often disguised as BBz) which explode when broken.
DT: Death Tile; a Grunt stepping on one of these sinkz or fallz (Goo is lost) or turnz into Goo.
EB: Explosive Brick (same as Death Brick).
GB: Gold Brick (Tilez 318 through 323 ); gold layer is unbreakable, but Gauntletz are not lost when attempting to break them.� (May be disguised as BBz.)
GCP: GruntCreationPad ... a special Tile that lookz like a bullseye target . Newly baked Gruntz enter the game by being dropped onto this special Tile.
GHS: Green Hold Switch (Tile 231 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep the associated GPz raised (or lowered).
Goo: The stuff from which new Gruntz are baked. Goo comez in many colorz:
Goo Color name Score Source
Orange 0 Solver's Grunt(z)
Green 1 Dumb Chaser(z)
Blue 2 Gauntletz Grunt(z)
Red 3 Suicide Bomber(z)
Purple 4 Defender Grunt(z)
Yellow 5 Hit & Run Grunt(z)
Hot Pink 6 Object Guard Grunt(z)
Black 7 Tool Thief Grunt(z)
Dark Blue 8 Bricklayer Grunt(z)
Dark Green 9 Smart Chaser(z)
Turquoise 10 Unknown
Dark Red 11 Time Bomber Grunt(z)
Pink 12 Post Guard Grunt(z)
Dark Yellow 13 Magic Wand Grunt(z)
Grey 14 Unknown
Cyan 15 Goo Sucker Grunt(z)
White 16 Toyer Grunt(z)
Olive ? Digger Grunt(z)
GP: Green Pyramid (Tilez 251 and 252 ).
GR: Giant Rock. A breakable Object upon which Gauntletz or (Time )Bombz may be used.
Tilez 286-294 Area Graphicz set (also known as)

1 Rocky Roadz (Rock)

2 Gruntziclez (Ice Crystal)

3 Trouble In The Tropicz (Volcano)

4 High On Sweetz (Cup Cake)

5 High Rollerz (Dice)

6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz (Sugar Cubez)

7 The Miniature Masterz (Mushroom)

8 Gruntz In Space (Crystal)
GTS: Green Toggle Switch (Tile 229 ); each time a Grunt (yours, or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the GTS, the associated GPz are raised (or lowered).
GW: Green Wormhole ; may be used over and over again, always going to the same place.
Hole: A diggable Object
Tile 196 Tile 198 Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
upon which a Shovel is useful.
A Hole will alwayz turn into a Mound, when a Shovel is used on it.
Mound: A diggable Object
Tile 195 Tile 197 Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
upon which a Shovel is useful.
A Mound may turn into a Hole, when a Shovel is used on it ... or some other Tile!
IP: Iron Pyramid (Tile 302 ); only Secret Switchez can ever have any effect on these immovable, unbreakable Objectz.
OP: Orange Pyramid (Tilez 247 and 248 ).
OU/DS: Orange Up/Down Switch (Tilez 239 and 240 ); always found in pairz, and change the state of associated OPz.� When one OU/DS goez down, another comez up.
PMGS: Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (Tilez 237 and 238 ); the solver�s Grunt(z) must remain standing on PMGS(z) to raise (or lower) PPz. (Same as PS.)
PP: Purple Pyramid (Tilez 255 and 256 ).
PS: Purple Switch (Tilez 237 and 238 ); the solver�s Grunt(z) must remain standing on PS(z) to raise (or lower) PPz.
PU: PowerUp ... something to make a Grunt:
  • undetectable (Invisibility)
  • faster (SuperSpeed)
  • god-like (Invulnerability)
  • very 'persuasive' (Conversion)
  • a poisonous 'personality' (Death Touch)
  • have more endurance (Roidz)
  • semi-protected (Reactive Armor)

Pyramid: An obstacle to the movement of a grunt, or a Rolling Rock.
They look exactly the same in each graphicz set.
Acronym Tilez Switchez
CPP ... may require a specific Tool or Toy to be satisfied
QMS: Question Mark Switch ... Tile 241 � a Grunt stepping on this Tile causez special thingz to happen!
R8B: Rolling 8 Ball ; this is a RR used in �Hi Rollerz� graphicz set.
RB: Red Brick (Tilez 306 through 311 ); red layer is breakable, but Gauntletz are lost when used on them.� (May be disguised as BBz.)
RC: Rolling Coconut ; this is a RR used in the "Trouble In The Tropicz" graphicz set.
RGB: Rolling Golf Ball ; this is a RR used in the �Miniature Masterz� graphicz set.
RHS: Red Hold Switch (Tile 235 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep associated RPz raised (or lowered).
RMB: Rolling (Malted) Milk Ball ; this is a RR used in the �High On Sweetz� graphicz set.
RO: Rolling Olive ; this is a RR used in the �Honey, I Shrunk the Gruntz� graphicz set.
Rock: A breakable Object upon which Gauntletz or (Time)Bombz may be used.
Tilez 77-80 Tilez 81-84 Area Graphicz set (also known as)
1 Rocky Roadz (Rockz)
2 Gruntziclez (Ice Crystalz)
3 Trouble In The Tropicz (Rockz)
4 High On Sweetz (Cup Cakez)
5 High Rollerz (Dice)
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz (Sugar Cubez)
7 The Miniature Masterz (Mushroomz)
8 Gruntz In Space (Crystalz)
RP: Red Pyramid (Tilez 253 and 254 ).

Note: Only one Red Pyramid (raised or lowered) need have a logic on it ... but it must have the Switch IDz of every Red Switch in its Rects: fieldz.
RR: Rolling Rock ; this includez:
  1. Rockz (Rocky Roadz)
  2. SnowBallz (Gruntziclez)
  3. Coconutz (Trouble In The Tropicz)
  4. MaltedMilkBallz (High On Sweetz)
  5. EightBallz (High Rollerz)
  6. Olivez (Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz)
  7. GolfBallz (The Miniature Masterz)
  8. Rockz (Gruntz In Space)
The appearance of the RR is usually a bit different for each of the four cardinal directionz in which they may be traveling. Very useful to operate Toggling Switchez,
  1. Blue Toggle Switch (BTS)
  2. Green Toggle Switch (GTS)
  3. Orange Up/Down Switch (OU/DS)
  4. Red Toggle Switch (RTS)
  5. Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS),
re-usable Switchez such as the Silver Timer Switch (STS),
and one-time Switchez such as
  1. Black One-Time Switch (BOTS)
  2. Question Mark Switch (QMS),
or pass over Tilez hazardous to a Grunt's health
  1. Static Hazardz
  2. Spikez
or simply pass over one-time Tilez into areaz intended not available to a Grunt (as, to operate Switchez).
RSB: Rolling Snow Ball ; this is a RR used in the �Gruntziclez� graphicz set.
RTS: Red Toggle Switch (Tile 233 ); each time a Grunt (yours or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the RTS, every RP is raised (or lowered ).
RW: Red Wormhole (or Red Warp); may be used only once, and may only remain open for a limited time � so hurry!
SBT: Switchable Bridge Tile.
Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
raised (or lowered) when the associated BHS or BTS is activated.
SH: Static Hazard; examplez of these are:
Tile 193 Tile 194 Area Graphicz set
N/A N/A 1 Rocky Roadz
N/A N/A 2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz (Lava Geyserz)
4 High On Sweetz (Birthday Candlez)
N/A N/A 5 High Rollerz (Trap Doorz)
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz (Electrical Outletz)
7 The Miniature Masterz (FlyingGolfBallz)
8 Gruntz In Space (Lava Geyserz)
SP: Silver Pyramid (Tilez 245 and 246 ).
Tile 191 Tile 192 Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
Tilez that hurt! Stepping on these reducez a Grunt�s health; standing on them is deadly.
SS: Secret Switch (Tile 241 � or just a special place on the map); a Grunt on this Tile causez special thingz to happen!
STS: Silver Timer Switch (Tile 243 ); this Switch activatez a timer and causez SPz to begin changing state.
TB: Teleporter Brick (Tilez 312 through 317 ) normally only used in Battlez, because they teleport any Grunt standing nearby to random locationz.
TBT: Toggling Bridge Tile
Water other Area Graphicz set
263-264 265-266 # Sample Timing Area name
1 .60sec Rocky Roadz
2 .80sec Gruntziclez
3 1.00sec Trouble In The Tropicz
4 1.20sec High On Sweetz
5 .60sec High Rollerz
6 .80sec Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 1.00sec The Miniature Masterz
8 .25sec Gruntz In Space
These reusable BTz go up and down on a schedule (timing) determined by the puzzle designer.
TWA: Two-Way Arrow
Area Graphicz set
1 Rocky Roadz
2 Gruntziclez
3 Trouble In The Tropicz
4 High On Sweetz
5 High Rollerz
6 Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz
7 The Miniature Masterz
8 Gruntz In Space
Changez direction when the associated YHS or YTS is depressed.
Arrowz are designed to (usually) look best with surrounding Tilez 1 through 8,

or 17 through 36 (light side toward the arrow).

I wonder why the graphicz people didn't make Arrowz transparent ... to look good on Tilez 9 through 16. (?)
YHS: Yellow Hold Switch (Tile 223 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep the associated Arrow(z) in its altered state.
YTS: Yellow Toggle Switch (Tile 221 ); each time a Grunt (your's, or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the YTS, the associated TWA(z) change state.