Gauntletz #8, Shovel #2 and SpongeGun #9 |
- Gauntletz #8
- Breakz the cupcakez and getz the Coin (#30).
- Breakz three Brown Brickz , each time quickly standing on the Foundation Tilez left behind while he regainz his strength.
- Breakz the two cupcakez .
- Standz in the place of the lower cupcake .
- Followz in Shovel #2's footstepz and breakz the Brown Brick at the top.
- Breakz the cupcake and revealz a Toob .
- Shovel #2
- Enterz this section and walkz over six Spikez Tilez to stand due north of Gauntletz #8.
- Fillz a hole and then standz on the Mound .
- When the RMMB leavez the Arrow , heading west, stepz on the Arrow and fillz the Hole due north and walkz across the Mound .
- Fillz more Holez while he waitz for the other gruntz to get here.
- SpongeGun #9
- Followz in Shovel #2's footstepz to the top and (if necessary) stepz on the RTS .
- Pickz up the Springz (Tool #28).