
25 Three Musketeers Again - Arrowz ...
lotz of Arrowz
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
SpongeGun #8,
SpongeGun #9 and
Shovel #2
  1. Shovel #2
    1. Standz next to SpongeGun #9, givez the signal, and stepz on the Arrow in northeast of him

    2. If SpongeGun #8 and SpongeGun #9 performed flawlessly, landz on a Can of Zap Cola .
    3. Movez north and west, and fillz in three Holez , leaving Moundz so it is safe to walk about.
    4. Goez back and stepz on the BOTS .
  2. SpongeGun #8
    1. When Shovel #2 turnz the corner, firez a sponge at the Arrow next to a cupcake , leading to another cupcake
    2. Shovel #2 should be pushed diagonally northeast to another Arrow
    3. Takez two stepz to the right, and re-loadz.

    4. Just before Shovel #2 reachez the corner, firez a sponge at the Arrow next to a cupcake , leading to another cupcake
    5. Shovel #2 should be pushed diagonally northeast to another Arrow
    6. Breathez a sigh of relief, at a difficult task well done.
    7. Walkz to the left and stepz on an Arrow .
    8. Pickz up the Gauntletz (Tool #27).

  3. SpongeGun #9
    1. When Shovel #2 turnz the corner, firez a sponge at the Arrow two spacez ahead of him
    2. Shovel #2 should be pushed due north to another Arrow
    3. Takez one step to the left, and re-loadz
    4. Just before Shovel #2 reachez the corner, firez a sponge at the Arrow four spacez ahead of him
    5. Shovel #2 should be pushed due north to a Can of Zap Cola
    6. Breathez a sigh of relief, at a difficult task well done.
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