
22 CheckPoint number 7
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Gauntletz #2 and
Toob #4 and
Bootz #3
  1. Gauntletz #2
    1. Makez his way south through the 2 setz of RSBz .
    2. Breakz the cupcakez , carefully avoidz stepping on the BOTS , and stepz on the YTS .
    3. Stepz on the BOTS and proceedz west through the arrowz .
    4. Breakz the cupcakez , getz the Coin (#23) and stepz on the OU/DS #1.

    5. Movez across the Crumbling Bridge , back through the RSBz (via an Arrow ) and standz on the GHS across the water.

  2. Toob #4
    1. Waitz at the BP for grunt #2 to accomplish his task(z).

    2. When the BP is lowered , paddlez across the water.

    3. When the OPz are lowered crossez to three Switchez.
    4. Standz on the BHS .
    5. Waitz there until grunt #3 is across the Bridge and in the center of the OPz .

    6. Stepz on the OU/DS #2.

  3. Bootz #3

    1. Movez into the center of the OPz (short wait).
    2. The OPz are reversed .
    3. Proceedz south to pick up the Shovel (Tool #18).
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