
21 Split Up And Reunion ... CheckPoint #6
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Gauntletz #2,
Rockz #4 and
Springz #3
  1. Gauntletz #2
    1. Breakz a cupcake , revealing a Keg of Zap Cola .
    2. Signalz Springz #3 forward for the refreshmentz, and to go through the first BW .

    3. Breakz a cupcake , revealing another Keg of Zap Cola .
    4. Signalz Rockz #4 forward for the refreshmentz, and to go through the next BW .

    5. Breakz a cupcake , revealing another Keg of Zap Cola .
    6. Downz it himself, and goez through the last BW and setz off to the area on the lower right side.

    7. Goez east to break the cupcakez (has gone far enough when something explodez) and getz the Coin (#21).
    8. Goez back to relieve Springz #3 on the YTS .
  2. Springz #3
    1. Obediently downs a Keg of Zap Cola .
    2. Divez through the nearest BW , which takez him (and the rest of the team) to the meeting place and setz off to the area on the lower right side.

    3. Makez his way through the Spikes /holez maze to use the Megaphone -- Gravity Bootz and jump on one BOTS .
    4. Movez back to the YHS near the entrance to this area.

    5. Goez east through the space cleared by the Gauntletz #2 and past the Arrowz to the south.
    6. Goez west and getz the Megaphone -- Shovel and movez west to the GPz .

    7. When the GPz are lowered , jumpz across a Hole and landz on the first of thirteen Spikez (losez his Springz) in the long spike walkway leading back to the holez /Spikez maze and walkz to the end.
  3. Rockz #4
    1. Obediently downs a Keg of Zap Cola .
    2. Divez through the nearest BW and setz off to the area on the lower right side.

    3. Tossez a rock (repeatedly) at the enemy grunt standing on the GHS to lower the GP .
    4. Standz next to the GP .

    5. Stepz on four Spikez Tilez on his way to stepping on three BOTSz .
    6. Stepz on the same four Spikez Tilez on his way back to the entrance to this area.
    7. Goez east through the space cleared by Gauntletz #2 and past the Arrowz to the south.
    8. Eliminatez the enemy grunt .
Bare-handed #3 Takez the Shovel (Tool #15) from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
Shovel #3,
Gauntletz #2
  1. Shovel #3
    1. Fillz in six Holez to create a path through the maze to join Gauntletz #2.
    2. Relievez Gauntletz #2 on the YHS .

    3. Goez back through the (now) Moundz /Spikez maze to the Spikez walkway.
    4. Takez the Gravity Bootz (Tool #16) from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
  2. Gauntletz #2
    1. Goez east through the space he cleared earlier and past the Arrowz to the south.

    2. Breakz one of two cupcakez , revealing a Toob and a Jack-In-The-Box .
    3. Takez the Jack-In-The-Box (Toy #4) for himself
Bootz #3,
Rockz #4
  1. Bootz #3
    1. Goez through the Spikez walkway and across the GPz to join Gauntletz #2.
  2. Rockz #4

    1. Pickz up the Toob (Tool #17).
Toob #4,
Bootz #3 and
Gauntletz #2
  1. Toob #4
    1. Goez across the water and stepz on the BTS .
    2. Goez to the GP and waitz.

    3. When the GP are lowered , waddlez to the YHS .

    4. Goez to his CPS .
  2. Bootz #3
    1. Goez upstairz to stand on the GHS to the west.

    2. Goez downstairz and through the lowered BPz .
    3. Goez to his CPS .
  3. Gauntletz #2

    1. When the GP are lowered , givez the toy to the enemy grunt .
    2. Stepz on the BOTS and breakz the lower right cupcake to get the Coin (#22).
    3. Movez to the TWA to the left of the enemy grunt , and goez across the YTS ,
      and the TWA on the left is pointing down , and the TWA on right is pointing up ... step on it again,
      (so the TWA on the left is pointing up , and the TWA on right is pointing down ).
    4. Stepz on the Arrow (and is forced to step on the BOTS ).
    5. Enterz the RPz and exitz on the Arrow where the RSB is rolling up and down.
    6. Stepz on the BOTS and exit the RPz .
    7. When Toob #4 waddled over to his CPS, the TWA reverted to its normal state .
    8. Stepz on the TWA and goez to his own CPS .
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