
23 How Am I Supposed To Get Past This?
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Shovel #3,
Gauntletz #2 and
Toob #4
  1. Shovel #3
    1. Headz back north to fill the holez . (Short wait.)
    2. Movez west when the TWA is flipped .
    3. Fillz the first Hole to the north and stepz on the space above the Mound , which is the SecretTeleporterTrigger that openz a RW .

    4. Checkz Moundz for valuablez and (re-)fillz Holez and getz the Coin (#24).
    5. Movez east when the TWA is flipped .
    6. Movez south and stepz on the OU/DS #1 (reversez ten OPz ).

    7. Movez north of the GPz (but not inside the OPz ).
    8. When the OPz are flipped , movez north to the TWA .
    9. Movez west when the TWA is flipped to wait by the Secret Switch (SS aka Question Mark Switch).
  2. Gauntletz #2
    1. Still waiting.

    2. At the rumbling noise, he enterz the RW . (Returnz a bit later.)
    3. Waitz for Shovel #3 to reach OU/DS #1 .

    4. Movez inside the OPz .
    5. Waitz for the OPz to be flipped .

    6. Movez north across the TWA and west to break the cupcake , revealing a SS .
    7. Movez back east and waitz for the TWA to be flipped .

    8. Movez inside the OPz .
    9. Waitz for Toob #4 to step on the OU/DS #2 to cause the OPz to be flipped .

    10. Movez onto the GHS .
    11. Waitz for Shovel #3 to move north of the GPz (but not inside the OPz ).

    12. Movez across the OPz to join up with Toob #4.
    13. Stepz on the OU/DS #2 (reversez ten OPz ).
  3. Toob #4
    1. Waitz for Shovel #3 to complete his task(z).

    2. Movez to the YHS to flip the TWA .

    3. Movez off the YHS to flip the TWA .

    4. Stepz on the OU/DS #2 (reversez ten OPz ).

    5. Movez to the YHS to flip the TWA .

    6. Pickz up the Bomb (Tool #19).

Shovel #3,
Gauntletz #2 and
Bomb #4
  1. Shovel #3

    1. Shovel #3 and Bomb #4 are now both in the northern section.
    2. Either grunt stepz on the SS ... the other reapz the benefitz.
    3. Movez to stand on a PMGS .

    4. When Bomb #4 has departed to Grunt heaven, and Gauntletz #2 has cleared an obstacle, stepz on an Arrow to join Gauntletz #2.
    5. Movez west and south over the GPz and digz up Moundz and (re-)fillz Holez , revealing a Bomb .
    6. Pickz up the Bomb (Tool #20).
    7. Waitz for Gauntletz #2 to clear away another obstacle.

    8. Lightz the fuse, and takez out the Gold Brick . (Death #3)

  2. Bomb #4
    1. Movez inside the OPz .

    2. Movez into the northern section ... Shovel #3 and Bomb #4 are now both in the northern section.
    3. Either grunt stepz on the SS ... the other reapz the benefitz.

    4. Movez to stand on a PMGS .

    5. When the RMMB passez the PP , stepz off the PMGS !
    6. Makez a kamikaze run against the Gold topped Brick stackz . (Death #2)

  3. Gauntletz #2
    1. Stepz on the OU/DS #2 (reversez ten OPz ).
    2. Movez to the YHS to flip the TWA .

    3. Breakz the top layer of the two Brick stackz leaving .
    4. Movez south to stand on the YHS , releasing the RMMB .
    5. Quickly movez across the TWA .
    6. Note: that RMMB needz to reach the GTS ... go back to Bomb #4!

    7. Breakz the top layerz of the Brick stackz to the south, leaving .
    8. Goez back up north and breakz the Brown Brick next to the short Brick stack .

    9. Goez west and south over the GPz and breakz one of the two GBBz . (Is now Bare-handed .)

    10. Tipz his helmet to his two departed Musketeerz, and makez his way to the CPS .
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