
16 CheckPoint number 4
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Gauntletz #2,
#Sword #3
Shield #4
  1. Sword #3
    1. Walk down over one of the Arrowz and wait next to the five cupcakez surrounding a YTS .

    2. After Gauntletz #2 and Shield #4 cross the TWAz , step on the YTS , pointing them back the other way .

    3. When The BPz are lowered , move south, and if his health is less than perfect, down one of the Kegz of Zap Cola .
    4. Step on one of the two BOTSz "into the arena".
    5. Take on the nearest enemy grunt ... as a "terrible duo" together with Gauntletz #2.
    6. One of you will get stabbed ... the other one won't; the healthier one will lead in the next 'event'.
    7. Take on the nearest enemy grunt ... as a "terrible duo" together with Gauntletz #2.
    8. One of you will get stabbed ... the other one won't; both of you should have 'half' health.
    9. Take on the last enemy grunt ... as a "terrible duo" together with Gauntletz #2.
    10. Move through the GPz to exit to the next mini-puzzle.
    11. Move along the edge of the Spikez field, up the stairway and rendezvous out of the range of the enemy grunt .

  2. Gauntletz #2
    1. Break (at least) one of the cupcakez around the YTS and step on the switch.
    2. Walk west (there is a way out of here through the candy canez) and back north.
    3. Walk east, past the TWAz .
    4. Break the cupcake to reveal a GHS .
    5. Go see if there is anything 'special' about the arrow barely visible in the cluster of candy canez.
    6. Dodge the RSB and break the 2 cupcakez to the west, revealing two Kegz of Zap Cola .
    7. Step on the BOTS by the Zap Colaz .
    8. Take on the nearest enemy grunt ... as a "terrible duo" together with #Sword #3.
    9. One of you will get stabbed ... the other one won't; the healthier one will lead in the next 'event'.
    10. If grunt #3's health is less than perfect, down one of the Kegz of Zap Cola .
    11. Step on one of the two BOTSz "into the arena".
    12. Take on the nearest enemy grunt ... as a "terrible duo" together with #Sword #3.
    13. One of you will get stabbed ... the other one won't; both of you should have 'half' health; you will lead in the next 'event'.
    14. Drink that Can of Zap Cola!
    15. Take on the last enemy grunt ... as a "terrible duo" together with #Sword #3.
    16. You will get stabbed ... your health will be in the red, but there is a Keg of Zap Cola in your future, and there should be no further reduction of your health until you reach the refreshmentz.
    17. Break the four cupcakez and pocket a Coin (#20).
    18. Move through the GPz to pick up the Monster Wheel and exit to the next mini-puzzle.
    19. Move along the edge of the Spikez field, up the stairway and rendezvous out of the range of the enemy grunt .
  3. Shield #4
    1. Walk east, past the TWAz (next to Gauntletz #2).
    2. Stand on the GHS .

    3. Walk west, past the TWAz , over one of the Arrowz , past the BPz and the Zap Colaz , and then move to the single BOTS to the east.
    4. Step on the first OU/DS to break the RSB .
    5. Step on the next OU/DS to lower the OP to leave the area.
    6. Move along the edge of the Spikez field, up the stairway and rendezvous out of the range of the enemy grunt .

Gauntletz #2,
Sword #3
Shield #4
  1. Gauntletz #2
    1. Break the 2 cupcakez but do not take the Can of Zap Cola yet.

    2. Movez to the Arrow , avoiding the missile from the enemy grunt .
    3. Breakz the cupcake and stepz across the Silver Timer Switch (STS).
    4. Every time a missile is heading your way ... move! But you have to wait nearby while the other team memberz do their part.

    5. Walk across the STS .

    6. When the PP dropz , break the cupcake to reveal a Secret Switch . (Don't step on it!)
    7. Go downstairz , stand on a PP, and start breaking cupcakez (green onez are safer, but pink onez may be a little faster ... eventually it would be wise to break them all).
    8. Relieve #Sword #3 from his duty on the PMGS .

    9. As soon as #Sword #3 has stepped on the SS and moved downstairz, move upstairz to just below the Spikez tile ... when the stairway down appearz, go break a cupcake (or four). One of them will reveal a Toob (Tool #12).

  2. Sword #3
    1. Movez to stand due south of the Silver Pyramid (SP) and due north of the edge of the stairway.
    2. When the SPz drop , make your way through to the far side, and go stand on the furthest PMGS .

    3. When relieved, walk down to the SS ... and step on it.
    4. Don't linger! There may be another missile on its way toward you! Get downstairz!
    5. Go west, and upstairz, and find that Can of Zap Cola ... you will need it!
    6. Go downstairz along the 'safe' edge of the Spikez field and find the least painful way to the Springz (Tool #11) in the southeast corner.
      (Inactive birthday candlez could help.)

  3. Shield #4
    1. Movez to stand due south of the SP and due north of the STS .

    2. When #Sword #3 movez away, move into the spot he vacatez.

    3. When the SPz drop , make your way through to the far side, and go stand on the nearest PMGS .
    4. You have nothing more to do until Toob #2 and Springz #3 (somewhat changed) return.

Toob #2,
Springz #3
Shield #4
  1. Toob #2
    1. Lure the enemy grunt back on shore and eliminate him using one of the Arrowz .
    2. Get the Warp Letter and the Coin (#19).
    3. Paddle back to grab the Gauntletz (Tool #13) and move back to the PMGS .
    4. When grunt #3 returnz, stand on your CPS .
  2. Springz #3
    1. Pick a path out of the Spikez and Birthday Candlez field, using birthday candle spacez when they are inactive and occasional ordinary tilez .
    2. The hard part is over ... now just find your CPS .
  3. Shield #4
    1. Movez to stand on his CPS .
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