Shovel #1, Bootz #2 and Gauntletz #3 |
- Shovel #1
- Standing on one end (with Bootz #2 in the middle and Gauntletz #3 on the other end).
- Fillz the Hole in front of him to attract the first enemy grunt .
- Shovel #1, Bare-handed #2 and Gauntletz #3 gang up to defeat the first enemy grunt , then repeat the process for the second enemy grunt .
- Digz up/re-fillz the further Mound and collectz a Coin (#17).
- Bootz #2
- Stepz out to attract the enemy grunt ... losez his Bootz.
- Stepz back into the middle and all three gruntz 'gang up' on the enemy grunt .
- Retrievez his Bootz from the Goo Puddle .
- Stepz out to attract the next enemy grunt ... losez his Bootz (again).
- Stepz back into the middle and all three gruntz 'gang up' on the enemy grunt .
- Retrievez his Bootz from the Goo Puddle .
- This next part is very tricky so now would be an excellent time to SAVE!
- Shovel #1
Your goal is to move up the stairs on the east end of this area, stand on the second Mound and dig up the first Mound before the enemy gruntz get to you.
That new Hole protectz you from them. They will then return to their original positionz.
You then have time to fill the other Holez and check out the original Moundz .
- So how do you accomplish your goal? You need a little distraction!
Split up! Shovel #1 givez the other two gruntz a head start and goez north (or south) while Gauntletz #3 and Bootz #2 go south (or north).
The two enemy gruntz will move to defend against the earliest invaderz, while the real threat sneakz by.
Neither of the two distracting gruntz is likely to survive. (Death #2 & #3)