12 Three Musketeers, Four Switchez
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Gauntletz #3
  1. Working alone for a while, movez onto the Arrow and breakz the Brown Brick on the right.
  2. Getz out of the way of the RSB and breakz the other cupcakez here.
  3. Then breakz the Brown Brick covering the top left room with the enemy grunt .
  4. Goez back to the other room and let the RSB take care of the enemy grunt .
  5. Now breakz the Brown Brick to the second room on the left and getz the Beach Ball (Toy #2).
  6. ( Toob #1 may now enter and wait in the top room on the left, on the PMGS .)
  7. ( Springz #4 may now enter and wait in the room on the right.)
  8. Breakz the Brown Brick to the last room on the left
  9. When the RSB is coming south, and at the Arrow , he breakz a cupcake .
  10. You may have to use the Arrow to avoid the RSB .
  11. This is, by far, the best chance you will have to SAVE ... it getz hectic from here out.
  12. Now breakz the Brown Brick leading to the enemy grunt and lure him onto the PMGS in the lower left room.
  13. Givez him the ball once he's standing on the switch.
  14. Now standz on the PMGS in the lower right room.
Toob #1,
Gauntletz #3 and
Springz #4
Now thingz get tricky ... and happen fast!.
  1. You have to time the RSB to the right and the RSB on the left.
  2. What has to happen is that Springz #4 jumpz on the YTS , releasing the RSB on the right.
  3. When the RSB on the right passez the PP , Springz #4 headz for the corridor.
  4. This will break the RSB on the left.
  5. You cannot wait for one thing to finish before starting the next, so it is all a matter of timing.
    1. Springz #4 headz down the corridor to the arrow , attracting the enemy grunt .
    2. Toob #1 waddlez along right behind Springz #4.
    3. Gauntletz #3 is started on his way to safety.
  6. That way, as soon as the RSB on the right cleared the PP , I could send Springz #4 down the corridor and have Toob #1 and Gauntletz #3 headed there too.
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