Gauntletz #3 |
- Working alone for a while, movez onto the Arrow
and breakz the Brown Brick on the right.
- Getz out of the way of the RSB
and breakz the other cupcakez here.
- Then breakz the Brown Brick
covering the top left room with the enemy grunt .
- Goez back to the other room and let the RSB
take care of the enemy grunt .
- Now breakz the Brown Brick
to the second room on the left and getz the Beach Ball (Toy #2).
- (
Toob #1 may now enter and wait in the top room on the left, on the PMGS .)
- (
Springz #4 may now enter and wait in the room on the right.)
- Breakz the Brown Brick
to the last room on the left
- When the RSB
is coming south, and at the Arrow , he breakz a cupcake .
- You may have to use the Arrow
to avoid the RSB .
- This is, by far, the best chance you will have to SAVE ... it getz hectic from here out.
- Now breakz the Brown Brick
leading to the enemy grunt and lure him onto the PMGS in the lower left room.
- Givez him the ball once he's standing on the switch.
- Now standz on the PMGS
in the lower right room.
Toob #1,
Gauntletz #3 and
Springz #4 |
Now thingz get tricky ... and happen fast!.
- You have to time the RSB
to the right and the RSB on the left.
- What has to happen is that
Springz #4 jumpz on the YTS , releasing the RSB on the right.
- When the RSB
on the right passez the PP , Springz #4 headz for the corridor.
- This will break the RSB
on the left.
- You cannot wait for one thing to finish before starting the next, so it is all a matter of timing.
Springz #4 headz down the corridor to the arrow , attracting the enemy grunt .
Toob #1 waddlez along right behind Springz #4.
Gauntletz #3 is started on his way to safety.
- That way, as soon as the RSB
on the right cleared the PP , I could send Springz #4 down the corridor and have Toob #1 and Gauntletz #3 headed there too.