
11 Crossing The Pool
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Toob #1,
Gauntletz #3 and
Springz #4
  1. Keep Gauntletz #3 as healthy as possible, Springz #4 and Toob #1z' health may go into the red, if necessary.
  2. Whenever the northern enemy grunt leavez his post, the western GPz are lowered .
  3. Whenever the southern enemy grunt leavez his post, the southern GPz are lowered .
  4. Toob #1
    1. Movez to the BHS ... and is soon under attack.
    2. ( Gauntletz #3 crossez the Bridge.)
    3. Retreatz from the attack of the enemy gruntz and they head back home, once again raising the GPz .
    4. Movez to the BHS ... and is soon under attack (again).
    5. ( Springz #4 crossez the Bridge.)
    6. Retreatz from the attack of the enemy gruntz and they head back home, once again raising the GPz .
    7. Movez to the BHS ... and is soon under attack (again).
    8. ( Gauntletz #3 on the western Landing Area .)
    9. Retreatz from the attack of the enemy gruntz and they head back home, but notice Gauntletz #3 and go on the attack against him.

    10. Movez toward the enemy gruntz ... but not close enough to attract their attention.
    11. With Springz #4 doing battle, Toob #1 movez to the attack, sneaking up from behind.
    12. Queuez up behind Gauntletz #3.
  5. Gauntletz #3
    1. Movez up onto the Landing Area and quickly scurriez across the bridge as soon as it appearz, and stopz near (but not on) the GPz .

    2. Quickly scurriez over the lowered GPz to the southwest corner of the pool.

    3. Quickly scurriez over the lowered GPz to the Landing Area on the western shore.

    4. Keepz the two enemy gruntz occupied until Springz #4 arrivez.

    5. Movez north to break the cupcake and retrieve the Coin (#9).
    6. Movez directly north of the Arrow .
  6. Springz #4
    1. Springz #4 movez up onto the Landing Area .

    2. Bouncez across the bridge as soon as it re-appearz, and stopz at the GPz .

    3. Bouncez across the GPz to stand next to Gauntletz #3.
    4. Keepz the two(?) enemy grunt(z) occupied.
    5. Queuez up behind Toob #1.
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