
GruntWhere do you need help?
#1Startz out bare-handed and findz his way through a Silver Pyramidz (SP) maze.
There is something special about the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS) he reachez.
Stepping on the BOTS lowered the Black Pyramidz (BP) on either side, but you may not have noticed that!
You, dear solver, are largely out of control concerning what happenz for a while.
Four timez you will land on a Megaphone and call for a Tool.
Each time you will have to race a Rolling Rock to a Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (PMGS) .
Each time you will be whisked away to another part of the puzzle, and an enemy Defender Grunt will take your place on the PMGS.
Finally in control, you see what Grumley has cranked out that may be immediately of use.
Now armed with a bent piece of wood, you try to throw it away ... where it will do some good. You dispose of two enemy Gauntletz Gruntz (leaving some Goo Puddlez behind ... and pick their pocketz) and two enemy SuicideBomber Gruntz (leaving no Goo behind).
Moving east, you find a Scroll and see two Coinz (with which you line your own pocketz).
Continuing east, you find two more Coinz and read the Scroll. Resurrection! He's in poor health, but at least you now have a friend!
You continue east, and beckon your new friend to "come over and stand right there!"
You move where you can take out another SuicideBomber Grunt ... and do some damage to an enemy Gauntletz Grunt at the same time ... and your friend disappearz.
After one explosion, and having created another Goo Puddle , you take aim at another SuicideBomber Grunt . A satisfying explosion, but the way is blocked toward the east. Something has to happen to lower the Black Pyramidz between you and the next enemy Gauntletz Grunt . Maybe Grunt #2 can scare up some help?
After some time passez, Grunt #3 comez down from the north, and removez the obstaclez.
So you create another Goo Puddle and then search for transportation.
#2Once you took the place you were told to stand, you didn't move a muscle ... yet here you are, downing a Keg of Zap Cola!
You take a step forward, and see that there is work to be done here. Rummaging through Grumley's offeringz, you might immediately head for the Goo Puddlez , but a more round-a-bout course is suggested. Go get the Coin first ... then start sucking. Then get another Coin. Now what?
A short flight later, and you think you never left! But there are (once again!) Goo Puddlez awaiting your magic cheekz . You have learned "the Israeli two-step", so repeat your Coin, Goo, Coin, fly sequence ... three timez. Then you land amidst changed scenery.
Checking the Goo Well, you see that it is empty! Fortunately, there are two new Gruntz, all baked and ready to enter the game. Gruntz #3 and #4 are welcome additionz to the team.
Just one Goo Puddle here, but your keen nose detectz more to the east. Goo Well half full! Remembering that your first friend was preparing to do battle in the far east , you head that way. Sure enough, two more Goo Puddlez ! Say hello to Grunt #5.
Next, you satisfy your curiosity about where the Blue Wormhole will take you.
#3You dust yourself off, and go get the Tool nearby ... and observe. Seeing what needz to be done, you step on the Silver Timer Switch again, and make your way through the SPz.
Stepping on the BOTS lowerz the BPz on either side.
You head to the northeast corner of the Pond, and fly over (using the shortest possible route) to get the Warp letter 'W' you see on the BOTS.
Meanwhile, Grunt #1 is now able to move east and remove the last enemy Gauntletz Grunt ... more Goo for Grunt #2 to add to the Goo Well.
You continue flying (using the shortest possible route) west from Island to Island (walking as much as possible), gathering up more Warp letterz and activating more BOTSz.
You go through the Blue Wormhole (BW) which depositz you just south of a Landing Area and north of a Giant Volcano. You entice the enemy Gauntletz Grunt into breaking the big Rock, and move east. A 'twister' removez an enemy SuicideBomber Grunt which destroyz another Giant Volcano, revealing a BOTS with a Coin on it.
So you fly over and get the prize, and decide a fresh pair of Wingz would be a good idea. Avoiding the enemy Gauntletz Grunt , you fly to the next Island and dispose of another SuicideBomber Grunt . Easy pickingz! Then you entice another enemy Gauntletz Grunt into breaking another big Rock, and move east again (walk, don't run ... er, fly). Go take care of the BOTS first, then go get some Coinz (four of them).
Step on a BOTS (you may need a place to flee), then get rid of another SuicideBomber Grunt and collect the Coin on his Island. Get the enemy Gauntletz Grunt to break the big Rock. The only thing left to do is remove the last enemy SuicideBomber Grunt and collect the last Coin. Then find some alternate transportation towardz your CPS. It is best if you stick to walking ... you don't know how many beatz are left in those Wingz. You will probably find that there are obstaclez preventing you from reaching your "final resting place". It will take another Grunt with some spring in his step to clear the way for you.
When the obstaclez are removed, take about fifteen stepz to your CPS.
#4"Hey! Watch the new threadz, man!" you exclaim, as you enter the game. You see your task is to carry the quarter-round rock (the Warpstone), and observe what happened when you stepped across the STS. With a frim grip on the precious stone, you take the path through the SPz to the BOTS. It almost feelz like you never got there, because you are flying as soon as your feet hit the first 'safe' place' out of the maze. At least you won't have far to carry your burden ... your CPS is just a couple stepz away. You just hope that the rest of the team accomplishez their taskz quickly, as you mumble to yourself "Don't drop it, don't drop it!"
When the Holez have been filled in, and the CPPz are lowered, you light up your own Tile.
Another (hopefully short) wait, and you see that the 'doorz' into the King's Fortress are now open . It must be time for you to see what the not-so Secret Switch will do.
As you triumphantly carry your burden into the King's Fortress to the cheering of the team, you look at the Statz Page and you see everything is "PERFECT!"
#5Yourz is the lightest duty of the entire team ... pick up the piece of paper a short distance away, and go stand on your CPS. Just step on the STS and wend your way through the SP maze to the BOTS, where something strange happenz.
So near, and yet so far! Between the Holez, and the raised CPPz, you are unable to complete your mission. Someone hasn't done his job!
A Grunt carrying a "super duper pooper scooper" takez care of the Holez and promisez he will open the 'door' for you in just a bit. In "just a bit" you stroll to your CPS.
#1 & #2Whereever a Coin is found, either Grunt may pocket it.
Boomerang Grunt #1 crossez over a Toggled Bridge and turnz a Grunt into a Goo Puddle . Then he movez east and doez the same to the Grunt he findz there.
GooberStraw Grunt #2 crossez over a Toggled Bridge and addz to the Goo Well.
Both Gruntz then move west, with Grunt #1 leading the way. He createz Goo Puddlez , and Grunt #2 addz them to the Goo Well. (Grunt #8 may enter the puzzle now.)
Grunt #1 crossez over the Toggled Bridge and goez through the Blue Wormhole.
With no Wormhole of his own to use as a 'short cut', Grunt #2 crossez over the same Toggled Bridge northward (on the east side) to the Scroll, and readz it. Then he goez south (on the west side) searching for a way home.
#6You don't remember your death, but here you are (obviously) back to life. Don't bother looking for any refreshing Zap Cola, because the nasty Designer didn't provide any. So watch where you step! Get busy turning Holez into Moundz ... and Moundz into ordinary Tilez , but stay away from the not-so Secret Switch until this area is totally cleaned up.
Feel free to pocket anything you find on your way (counter-clockwise) around the area of your re-birth.
With all of the digging done, return to your CPS and keep your promise to Grunt #5.
#7You have felt better, but at least you are once again "sucking air".
There is not a lot of room ... the only move you can make is to step on the not-so Secret Switch . Since you have no idea what will happen, you (wisely) decide to "make room".
Choose wisely, because there may be explosive resultz!
Choose very wisely and you might even improve your health.
When any possible hindrancez have been cleared away, see what the Secret Switch doez for you. There is a teammate towardz the north, so south offerz more.
But then do you go southwest (clockwise) or southeast (counter-clockwise)?
Look carefully, and you will see twelve Rockz, some of which may contain something of interest.
Eventually, you will have to take your place on your CPS.
#8"Hey! Put me down!" Never satisfied, you complain about where you were put down. (You enter the game in the middle of a Lava Pit.) Your baker didn't bake any dummiez, so you refuse to take a step until you get some assistance. It turnz out that Grumley filled an order quite some time ago, and it was for just what you need. You bounce around, doing a double figure 8, and arrive at your CPS. While you were doing that you collected four Coinz, and activated a dozen BOTSz, which helped a couple of your teammatez out considerably.