
Custom Level (by Gaby) and Walk-through (by GooRoo)

Author: What the designer of this puzzle revealz about him/herself.
About: 4TheCrown: the ideaz behind the title of this Custom Gruntz Level.
How to play: Basic instructionz about playing Gruntz.
Gruntz: What you have to work with; what you may acquire.
Walkthrough: the designer'z idea of how to solve the CL.
Making the King happy:
Coinz: Where will you find them?
Megaphonez: Where will you find them?
Powerupz: Where will you find them?
Toolz: Where may you acquire them?
Toyz: Where may you acquire them?
Warp letterz: Where are they?
Secretz: Where do you find them?
Acknowledgementz: All about the people who contributed to this Custom Level, either by examples, or actively; the people (giantz) upon whose shoulderz I stood while making this level.
Glossary: descriptionz of standard acronymz used in Gruntz.