Grunt(z) | What to do, what to do?!? |
#1 |
- Bare_handed
- Enterz the game right next to a Shovel (Tool #1).
- Shovel
- Fillz in at least three of the five Holez (and digz up the Moundz ) surrounding him, and pocketz two Coinz (#1 & #2) for his effortz.
- Pickz up the Scroll (Toy #1) on the (depressed!) Blue Toggle Switch (BTS), and something strange happenz.
- Stepz on the BTS to raise (B)ridge (T)ilez (BT) to acquire three more Coinz (#7, #8 & #9).
- Somewhere near the middle Coin, he readz the Scroll , and Grunt #2 is resurrected.
- (Grunt #2 may now do something useful.)
- With Grunt #2 standing on the Green Hold Switch (GTS), he may cross over the (lowered) Green Pyramidz (GP).
- Movez carefully through the toggling GPz as far east as he can go ... and waitz.
- When two GPz are lowered , movez to stand on a GHS .
- When grunt #2 passez him in order to put his tool to good use, he employz his own tool on two Holez and (resulting) three Moundz , and pocketz two Coinz (#10 & #11).
- He pickz up and readz the Scroll (Toy #2) ... "Give 'em health!" (or some such).
- Seez some easy money (#12), and then digz up a Mound, revealing a Megaphone atop a BTS .
- Movez east (via the northern route) to find another Mound to dig up, revealing another Coin (#13).
- Continuez moving east to find another Mound to dig up.
- Pickz up the Coin (#14) and getz that queasy feeling again.
- Movez west (via the southern route) to find another Mound to dig up, revealing another Coin (#18).
- Continuez moving west to find another Mound to dig up, revealing yet another Coin (#19).
- Movez south, and seez the Warpstone Piece ... "Hey guyz! It's over here!"
- Is about to pick it up, but is leery of the fast-moving Rolling Rockz ... besidez, he seez some more usez for his Shovel. No way he's going to move fast enough to get to where he can employ his "Super Duper Pooper Scooper", so he standz near the Purple Pyramidz (PP) and waitz.
- He noticez that the Rolling Rockz have disappeared, and boldly headz for his next work site.
- He digz up a Mound toward the north, and pocketz another Coin (#20).
- He digz up the southernmost Mound of two, revealing a BTS ... and another Coin (#21).
- He digz up the northernmost Mound , revealing a Secret Switch (SS).
- Instead of stepping on it, he digz up a Mound toward the south, and pocketz another Coin (#22).
- Goez back and stepz on the SS .
- Digz up (and pocketz) the Warp Letter ; digz up (but cannot reach) the Warp Letter .
- Standz quietly on his CheckPoint Switch (CPS) ... his work is now done.
#2 |
- Bare_handed
- Is resurrected and pickz up the Boomerang (Tool #10) under his feet.
- Boomerang
- Standz on the GHS and throwz his bent piece of wood a couple of timez, reducing the health of two enemy gruntz into the red zone (but not into Goo ).
- Waitz for grunt #1 to join him.
- Movez to the Silver Timer Switch (STS) and triez to throw away his stick a couple more timez ... at a different pair of enemy gruntz .
- (They don't take kindly to this, and begin breaking thingz! Several more Silver Pyramidz (SP) and a few Black Pyramidz (BP) are revealed.)
- When those unsightly Giant Rockz are cleared away, he finshez the job of creating four Goo Puddlez .
- He stepz on the STS again, and walkz through the SPz to pick up the GooberStraw (Tool #11) on the Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
- GooberStraw
- Suckz up the four Goo Puddlez nearby.
- (Grunt #3 is baked, and can enter the game and get busy now.)
- Walkz down to stand on a different GHS .
- Crossez the GPz and suckz up another Goo Puddle .
- Goez to the island toward the north, and suckz up two more Goo Puddlez ./li>
- Goez to the island toward the east, and suckz up one more Goo Puddle ./li>
- (Grunt #4 is baked, and can enter the game and get busy now.)
- Movez east (via the northern route) to help grunt #1 out of his predicament. (He needz someone to step on a BTS for him.)
- Movez west (via the northern route) to wait near the PPz .
- Someone else may need assistance ... as to have BTSz pressed, so even if the Rolling Rockz have disappeared do not make haste to pick up that heavy Rock .
- When everyone else has reached their own CPS, pickz up the Warpstone Piece , immediately satisfying his own CPS .
- Warpstone
- Skirtz the King's Fortress toward the west, and pickz up the Warp Letter .
- Skirtz the King's Fortress toward the east, and pickz up the Warp Letter .
- Waltzez into the King's Fortress and handz his prize to the King.
#3 |
- Bare_handed
- Is introduced into the game on a GruntCreationPad and immediately armed (Tool #12).
- Springz
- All dressed up, with nowhere (safe) to go! He waitz for something to come up ... such as Bridge Tilez .
- Now that he can move, he headz out and circumnavigatez his 'birth' island ... clockwise (or counterclockwise) and pickz up three Coinz (#23, #24 & #25).
- Movez west (along with grunt #4, who entered the game when grunt #3 was busy acquiring wealth) and waitz while grunt #4 clearz a path.
- Movez south over lowered BPz to an area where his particular talent (er, tool) is most useful.
- Stepz on each BTS as many timez as necessary to see that any nearby submerged BTz are raised .
- Jumpz from BTS to BTS and back, collecting a Coin at each stop (#26, #27 #28, #29 & #30).
- Circumnavigatez (clockwise, or counterclockwise) the island where he just 'liberated' the loot, and collectz even more loot (#31, #32, #33, #34 & #35).
- (While he was filling his pocketz, grunt #4 was busy doing his own clean-up work.)
- Followz grunt #4 south over lowered BPz and toward the west, to assist in the next area.
- Stepz on the BTS grunt #4 uncovered.
- Movez east (taking the 'shortcut' through the GPz ) to wait a few stepz away from an unbroken Rock .
- Crossez over the revealed BTS (back-trackz, if necessary, to make sure any submerged Bridge Tilez nearby are raised ), and jumpz north to the SS and collectz a Coin (#36).
- He may have to wait a little bit for Bridgez to be completed.
- Circumnavigatez (clockwise, or counterclockwise) the King's Fortress island, collecting several Coinz (#37 through #44).
- Circumnavigatez (clockwise, or counterclockwise) the island south of the King's Fortress island, collecting five more Coinz (#45 through #49).
- Makez his way to his CPS .
- His participation is ended.
#4 |
- Bare_handed
- Is introduced into the game on a GruntCreationPad and takez the Gauntletz (Tool #13) from the GruntzMachine (Resourcez).
- Gauntletz
- Movez south and then west, and (with help from grunt #3) movez through the GPz and south.
- Breakz a Giant Rock
revealing an STS and more SPz surrounded by BPz . |
- Stepz on the STS and makez his way through the SPz .
- Stepz on the BOTS and breakz a Rock ... with explosive resultz.
- Stepz on the northern BTS revealed.
- Pickz up the Coin (#59) from the southern BTS .
- Crossez the Bridge toward the east, where he breakz four more Rockz .
- Acquirez three Coinz (#60 through #62).
- Doez not step on the revealed SS ... yet.
- Re-crossez the Bridge toward the west and movez south and breakz another Giant Rock
revealing an STS and more SPz surrounded by BPz . |
- Stepz on the STS and makez his way through the SPz .
- Stepz on the BOTS and breakz a Rock ... with explosive resultz.
- Stepz on another STS and makez his way through the SPz .
- Stepz on the BOTS and movez west over the lowered BPz , where he breakz another Rock and revealz a BTS .
(Not once doez any Grunt complain about "all these switchez"!)
- Pickz up the Coin (#63) and feelz like he is floating on air.
- Findz himself stuck! "Hey, Rube!" (Waitz for help from grunt #3.)
- Walkz through lowered BPz to the east end; wavez at grunt #3 when he passez him.
- Breakz the Rock and revealz another BTS .
- Pickz up the Coin (#67), and breakz the Rock across the east Bridge and pickz up that Coin (#68) as well.
- Movez down to the south island and breakz a Rock ... and stepz back.
- Voluntarily stepz on six Arrowz (and is carried involuntarily on many more) to step on four BTSz .
- Movez back north and east, and movez far east (via the southern route), to break another Rock .
- Pickz up the Coin (#69) and feelz like he is floating on air ... again!
- Findz himself stuck! "Hey, Rube!" (Waitz for help from grunt #3 ... again!)
- Movez west (via the northern route) and breakz a Rock , yielding yet another Coin (#73).
- Continuez west and breakz another Rock , yielding yet another Coin (#74).
- Retracez his step back east and goez north in the central column.
- Breakz another Giant Rock
revealing an STS and more SPz surrounded by BPz . |
- Stepz on the STS and makez his way through the SPz .
- Stepz on the BOTS and breakz a Rock ... with explosive resultz.
- Pickz up the Coin (#75).
- Breakz the last(!) Giant Rock
revealing an STS and more SPz surrounded by BPz . |
- Stepz on the STS and makez his way through the SPz .
- Stepz on the BOTS and realizez the real "fear of flying".
- Stepz on the SS and crossez the temporary Bridge to light up that CPS .
- When everyone has satisfied his CPS, the CheckPoint Pyramidz (CPP) are lowered .
Whereever two choicez are given in this walk-through, the