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The Miniature Masterz
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  • Start with a bare-handed grunt
  • Bare-handed grunt pickz up gauntletz (Tool #1).
  • Gauntletz grunt
    • breakz all the mushroomz in groupz of two or more (the rest are alwayz merely obstaclez to movement (if so, must be broken) and are empty of anything valuable).
    • walkz up, and startz across toggling quicksand bridge ; when he getz to the first safe spot , waitz until the bridge appearz in the direction of the coin, and follow it to pick up the coin #1 .
    • Usez megaphone -- gokart (Toy #1), breakz mushroomz .
    • Givez gokart to tool thief grunt .
    • Stepz on blue toggle switch and crossez pool.
    • Breakz red brick (losez gauntletz)
    • usez megaphone -- straw (Tool #2), takez straw .
  • Straw grunt
    • killz two enemy gruntz
    • suckz 4 goo puddlez
    • bakez a new grunt (entered on nearby GruntCreationPad ).
    • standz on yellow hold switch .
  • Bare-handed grunt pickz up boxing glovez (Tool #3).
  • Straw grunt
    • usez megaphone -- springz
    • takez them from the GruntzMachine (Tool #4).
  • Springz grunt
    • enterz maze, picking up SuperSpeed along the way
    • stepz on all black one-time switchez
    • downz a Bottle of Zap Cola , losez springz.
  • Bare-handed grunt
    • goez through golf ballz and stepz on silver timer switch
    • walkz through silver pyramidz , pickz up shovel (Tool #5), and goez back through middle pyramidz.
  • Shovel grunt fillz holez (which are alwayz only obstaclez, so don't do any more shovel work than absolutely necessary to make the area safe), goez to checkpoint switch .
  • Boxing glovez grunt
    • pickz up Roidz , killz enemy grunt and exitz maze.
    • usez megaphone -- spongegun (Tool #6)
    • goez to checkpoint switch
    • takez spongegun from the GruntzMachine when it is cranked out.
  • Shovel grunt
    • walkz quickly across bridge to the blue toggle switch .
    • walkz back, goez to island, digz up a mound (which only turn into holez , sometimez with something revealed) to drop the ball into the hole , and killz the enemy gruntz.
  • Spongegun grunt
    • killz an enemy grunt by sponging him into goo
    • shootz 2 enemy gruntz into holez .
    • killz another enemy grunt by sponging him into goo
    • shootz enemy grunt onto the black one-time switch .
  • Both Shovel grunt and Spongegun grunt enter green wormhole.
  • Shovel grunt digz up coin #2 from a mound .
  • Both gruntz end up back at the beginning.
  • Shovel grunt walkz around pool, fillz the hole by the arrow .
  • Secret #1:
    • Spongegun grunt shootz at the arrow
    • Shovel grunt stepz on the arrow
    • sponge knockz grunt past the arrow to trigger the red warp.
    • Shovel grunt enterz the red warp, crossez the bridge and getz a coin #3 .
    • Don't enter the return red warp yet, but proceed
    • get rid of the enemy grunt
    • dig up a mound and get the warp letter .
  • Spongegun grunt activatez silver timer switch .
  • Shovel grunt
    • enterz the arrowz platform (and maze), avoiding jumping golf ballz .
    • usez megaphone -- springz (Tool #7).
    • pickz up the toob and the Beach Ball
    • What! They aren't there?!? Must be another Gruntz Version 1.0 'bug'.
    • Maze ... pass 1: you need the three (controllable) Two-Way Arrowz to be when you reach the black one-time switch , for this walk-through to be accurate.
    • Toggle
      Two-Way Arrowz
      NW N E
      south *
      center *
      north *
    • so your grunt stepz on the arrow by the three yellow toggle switchez .
    • stepz back onto the same arrow , then walkz straight forward to the north-pointing arrow , stepping on the other two yellow toggle switchez .
    • is now headed for the black one-time switch .
    • the only choice is to go south , back to the maze entrance.
    • Maze ... pass 2: you want the three (controllable) Two-Way Arrowz to be , to finish the maze.
    • Toggle
      Two-Way Arrowz
      NW N E
      south *
      center *
      north *
    • stepz forward to the arrow , and then exitz the area over one set of spikez .
    • standz on yellow hold switch .
  • Give springz to Spongegun grunt .
  • Springz grunt enterz the maze. Every Two-Way Arrow is exactly the way you want them ... so you need to step on every Switch exactly twice.
    • GooRoo's way:
      Two-Way Arrowz
      NW N E
      south *
      center *
      north *
    • The other way: Springz grunt springz over the switchez going the wrong way, when he jumpz over the switchez the second time he getz out of the maze.
  • Both gruntz go stand on checkpoint switchez .
  • Shovel grunt walkz northeast across crumbling bridge tilez over the quicksand pit.
  • Springz grunt hopz toward the gravity bootz on five crumbling bridge tilez over the quicksand pit, and putz them on at the sixth tile.
  • Gravity bootz grunt zig-zagz east across crumbling bridge tilez over the quicksand pit, walkz to the yellow hold switch in middle of spikez .
  • Both gruntz kill the two enemy gruntz .
  • Shovel grunt fillz in the holez that are obstaclez, and digz up (and re-fillz) two moundz .
  • Gravity bootz grunt pickz up two coinz (#4 & #5) in the spikez .
  • Both gruntz kill enemy grunt .
  • Shovel grunt fillz in the hole(z) and standz on the green hold switch . He will be standing there for a while, so keep him occupied with that shovel.
  • Gravity bootz grunt
    • walkz through jumping golf ballz
    • usez megaphone -- timebombz (Tool #8).
    • stepz on two green toggle switchez
    • walkz back to where Shovel grunt is waiting
    • takez the timebombz.
  • Shovel grunt fillz at least one of the holez (further south).
  • Timebombz grunt
    • blowz up mushroomz , pickz up coin #6 .
    • goez back and blowz up two enemy gruntz .
    • blowz up mushroomz by stairz.
  • Both gruntz stand on CheckPoint Switchez .
  • Timebombz grunt (with Shovel grunt following, but not too closely)
    • enterz green wormhole.
    • blowz up mushroomz , brick stackz , and enemy gruntz .
    • walkz (alone!) to the left (across spikez! ), blowing up mushroomz , refreshing himself (often!) with Canz of Zap Cola , and stepz on the black one-time switch .
    • walkz back across the spikez , refreshing himself with any leftover Canz of Zap Cola , and past the (now lowered) black pyramid .
  • Shovel grunt walkz east toward the large quicksand pit, across the solid bridge and across the crumbling bridge to the wingz, pickz up wingz, fliez to shore and walkz to wait on the stairway.
    (The next section may also be solved (with more effort) by keeping the shovel, and filling in holez .)
  • Timebombz grunt
    • walkz across bridge toward volcano and stepz on black one-time switch , which lowerz the black pyramidz blocking the stairway. (Wingz grunt can start working, now.)
    • walkz beneath the volcano, toward the arrow .
    • Blowz up the mushroom , pickz up the coin #7 and enterz the invisible blue wormhole.
    • Secret #2: Blowz up the giant mushroom


      and stepz on the '?' switch .
    • Runz toward the two mushroomz in the center and blowz them up; pick up three coinz (#8 #9 & #10) and return.
  • Wingz grunt downz the Keg of Zap Cola , fliez to two green toggle switchez so a grunt who must walk can proceed.
  • Timebombz grunt
    • walkz over lowered green pyramidz , around holez and blowz up mushroomz on the way, pickz up coin #11 .
    • blowz up brickz and , goez to checkpoint switchez (along with Wingz grunt ), enterz green wormhole.
    • blowz up brickz and at least one of the four enemy gruntz (or Wingz grunt can blow them into holez ).
  • Wingz grunt fliez up, pickz up warpstone .
  • Warpstone grunt bringz warpstone to King.
Statz Page
Survivorz 2
Deathz 0
Toolz 10
Toyz 1
Powerupz 2
Coinz 11
Secretz 2
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GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Gruntz World
Copyright © 1999 - 2025
Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo