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Stage 1
Stage 2
Stage 3
Stage 4
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- Start with 2 bare-handed gruntz .
- Bare-handed grunt takez gauntletz (tool #1).
- Gauntletz grunt
- Breakz ice crystalz , pickz up coin #1 .
- Walkz down, killz enemy grunt .
- Breakz ice crystalz .
- Runz towards Suicide bomber grunt - let him pass.
- Walkz left, killz enemy grunt .
- Breakz ice crystalz .
- Bare-handed grunt walkz down and left to join gauntletz grunt .
- Gauntletz grunt standz on blue hold switch .
- Bare-handed grunt
- walkz across bridge
- pickz up sword between two green pyramidz .
- What! No sword ?
- Must be another Gruntz Version 1.0 'bug'.
- waitz for snowball to flip green toggle switch , then stepz on yellow toggle switch --snowball will roll onto blue toggle switch and raise bridge .
- Gauntletz grunt walkz across, bare-handed grunt walkz across, standz near shore edge.
- Secret No. 1:
- Gauntletz grunt stepz to Landing Area below yellow arrow .
- Red warp will appear on the other Landing Area .
- Bare-handed grunt
- Goez through red warp
- pickz up coin #2
- goez through return red warp.
- Bare-handed grunt
- Walkz up and to the left.
- Usez megaphone -- shovel , takez shovel (tool #2).
- Shovel grunt
- digz up a mound , revealing a can of Zap Cola
- fillz in at least one hole , to move north
- digz up a mound , revealing coin #3 .
- Both gruntz ... Gauntletz grunt , Shovel grunt
- kill enemy grunt .
- Stand on CheckPoint Switchez .
- kill enemy grunt .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz ice crystalz , pickz up coin #4 .
- Shovel grunt fillz in a hole , stepz on Black One-Time Switch .
- Shovel grunt pickz up spy gear (tool #3).
- Spy grunt revealz the true nature of brick stackz .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brown brick stack .
- Both gruntz kill enemy grunt .
- Spy grunt revealz the true nature of more brick stackz .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brown brickz .
- Both gruntz kill enemy grunt .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz ice crystalz .
- Both gruntz walk across bridge.
- Gauntletz grunt
- killz enemy grunt .
- Secret No. 2:
- stepz on ? switch
- walkz across temporary bridge
- pickz up warpletter
- walkz back.
- Both gruntz walk across bridge.
- Gauntletz grunt breakz ice crystalz , leave warpstone for now.
- Both gruntz kill enemy grunt .
- Gauntletz grunt walkz down, breakz ice crystalz , pickz up coin #5
- Spy grunt revealz the true nature of brickz .
- Gauntletz grunt breakz brown brick .
- Spy grunt takez warpstone .
- Warpstone grunt walkz right and bringz warpstone to King.
Statz Page
Survivorz |
2 |
Deathz |
0 |
Toolz |
3 |
Toyz |
0 |
Powerupz |
0 |
Coinz |
5 |
Secretz |
2 |
GRUNTZ is a trademark of Monolith Productionz
Copyright © 1999 - 2025 Last modified: January 1, 2025 by GooRoo
Email: GooRoo