
10 CheckPoint number 2
Grunt(z) What to do to solve the puzzle
Gauntletz #3,
Toob #1 and
Springz #4
  1. Gauntletz #3
    1. breakz the three cupcakez
    2. downz a Keg of Zap Cola
    3. enterz (second in line) the Blue Wormhole (BW)
      (all land in the same spot!).
    4. walkz to the lower right area with the water and the two enemy gruntz
    5. standz behind Toob #1 and waitz for Springz #4 to arrive.
  2. Toob #1
    1. downz a Keg of Zap Cola
    2. enterz (first in line) the BW (all land in the same spot!)
    3. waddlez to the lower right area with the water and the two enemy gruntz
    4. waitz on the Landing Area for his buddiez to arrive.
  3. Springz #4
    1. downz a Keg of Zap Cola
    2. enterz (last in line) the BW (all land in the same spot!)
    3. bouncez down to the lower right area with the water and the two enemy gruntz
    4. queuez up behind Toob #1 and Gauntletz #3, ready for action!
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