Walkthrough (Page 7)

Grunt Description of what to do

Shovel #1
You return to the area with the RW you could not use. Guess what? You still cannot use it!
You can save a Tool or two by keeping the Beach Ball for a while, using your excellent timing to make it through the Candlez , past the enemy Grunt to a place where you can relax for a bit, and take stock of your optionz.
There is another enemy Grunt roaming around between you and safety toward the northwest.
There may also be another enemy Grunt to the south ... who just may be slinging lead your way.
Put that computer between your earz to work, and eliminate the 'Hit and Run' opposition.
Then head out of the GooRoo area to the northwest, up and around the GooRoo and dig up the Mound southeast of GooRoo to pick up another Coin (Coin #29).
If you thoroughly scan the entire map, you will see that there are no more Holez or Moundz on which you may use that shovel, and no cupcakez either, to break with Gauntletz .
So find the shortest (and safest) route back into the upper part of the GooRoo.

Toob #2
You land on an inner Toob , transforming you from 'Gauntletz Grunt' to 'Toobz Grunt'.
Your task is to go stand on a (not-so) Multi-Grunt PMGS .
But you should paddle around for a while, to see what you might find.
You can see a Coin (Coin #31) and a Warp letter as well next to a lowered BP ... that has no Landing Area near it. So you know that there must be a Secret way to get there.
Whether you find it or not, go stand on that PMGS , and your job is complete. Well done!

Shovel #2
Go get the Warpstone , using your Beach Ball (if necessary) to distract the enemy Grunt , while you make your escape.

Warpstone #2
When you pick up the Warpstone, you have to step lively to avoid a (second) whack from the 'butter knife' that enemy Grunt is carrying.
Then all you have to do is make it across the Candlez and then return through the Red Wormhole to the King’z Fortress and carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!
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