Where you may acquire them, in the designed order of use

No. X Y Tool Found
1 15 27 Gauntletz Bare-handed Grunt (#1) usez a Megaphone (#3) to call for them.
2 20 22 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt breakz a gauntlet-breaking Red Brick to reach a Megaphone (#4) to call for it.
3 30 16 Gauntletz Shovel Grunt digz them up, filling in a Hole and digging up the Mound .
4 1 8 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt breakz a Sugar Cube to reveal it.
5 7 2 GooberStraw Shovel Grunt takez one from the GruntzMachine.
6 8 1 Bricklaying Toolz Before he acquired the GooberStraw, Shovel Grunt turned them up.
7 8 38 Boomerang BrickLayer Grunt usez a Megaphone (#7) to call for it.
8 1 42 Spy Gear Newly-baked Grunt (#2) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
9 35 43 GooberStraw Boomerang Grunt takez it from the GruntzMachine.
10 30 17 GooberStraw Newly-baked Grunt (#3) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
11 26 51 Gauntletz Newly-baked Grunt (#4) takez them from the GruntzMachine.
12 13 65 Bricklaying Toolz Gauntletz breakz a Sugar Cube to reveal them ... used later by Spy Grunt.
13 17 61 Wingz After Gauntletz (#4) breakz a gauntlet-breaking Red Brick , he takez them from the GruntzMachine.
14 52 1 Springz Either BrickLayer Grunt (#2, preferred) or GooberStraw Grunt (#3) goez through a Blue Wormhole and landz on them.
15 17 46 GunHat Bare-handed Grunt (#2, or #3 ... who lost the Springz) takez it from the GruntzMachine ... but when ... and where?
16 30 38 Shovel GooberStraw Grunt (#1) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
17 48 52 Sword Newly-baked Grunt (#5) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
18 91 4 Gravity Bootz Newly-baked Grunt (#6) takez them from the GruntzMachine.
19 92 44 GooberStraw Newly-baked Grunt (#7) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
20 73 38 SpongeGun Sword Grunt (#5) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
21 58 25 Toob Newly-baked Grunt (#8) takez it from the GruntzMachine.
22 29 1 Gauntletz SpongeGun Grunt (#5) takez them from the GruntzMachine.
23 60 18 Gauntletz GooberStraw Grunt (#1) takez them from the GruntzMachine.
24 30 38 Shovel Gauntletz Grunt (#1) breakz a Sugar Cube to reveal it.
25 28 35 Springz Shovel Grunt (#1) takez them from the GruntzMachine.
27 1 Warpstone Springz Grunt boundz around the griddle, picking up Coinz as he goez, and landz near the opening Gauntletz Grunt (#5) made into the King's Fortress. He pickz up the heavy rock and waltzez in with it.