
# X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them
1 4 77 Gauntletz Grunt #4 usez a Megaphone (#1) to call for them.
Grunt #5 takez them from the GruntzMachine.
2 11 77 Shovel Gauntletz #5 usez a Megaphone (#2) to call for it.
Grunt #4 takez it from the GruntzMachine.
3 15 60 Toob Gauntletz #5 findz it in plain sight.
4 17 37 Springz In plain sight in the middle of several Arrowz .
Bare-handed #5 stepz on an Arrow that takez him to them.
5 17 41 Gauntletz In plain sight in the middle of several Arrowz .
Shovel #4 stepz on an Arrow that takez him to them.
6 46 17 Goober Straw Springz #5 findz it in plain sight.
7 43 17 Bomb Bare-handed #6 findz it in plain sight.
8 49 25 Sponge Gun
Gauntletz #4 smashes
the Giant Mushroom

revealing a
Sponge Gun
which he pickz up.

9 43 17 Gravity Bootz Sponge Gun #4 findz them in plain sight.
10 52 17 Shovel Gravity Bootz #4 usez a Megaphone (#3) to call for it ... Goober Straw #5 takez it from the GruntzMachine.
11 65 32 Gauntletz Bare-handed #1 or #2 findz them in plain sight.
12 64 32 Gauntletz Bare-handed #2 or #1 findz them in plain sight.
17 39 Warpstone Bare-handed #3 findz it in plain sight in the middle of several Arrowz .
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)