Shovel #3
Gauntletz #4
Wingz #5
Gravity Bootz #7
Wingz #5 fliez from the LD to the west LD and to the BHS raising the submerged Bridge.
Doing "The Curly Shuffle", Shovel #3 fillz in the Hole and Gauntletz #4 breakz the Ice Crystal so that Shovel #3 can fill in the other Hole ... without either one picking anything up!
Wingz #5 pickz up the GooberStraw (becoming GooberStraw #5) and a buddy standz on the BHS , re-raising the submerged Bridge, allowing him to suck up the Goo Puddle to the south. (Easy to forget this one!)
SAVE! Then move all the Gruntz to the CPSz   .
Three Gruntz (preferred) team up to eliminate the enemy Gruntz  and GooberStraw #5 is able to suck up the Goo Puddlez  .
If GooberStraw #5 is not at full health, have him get the Bottle of Zap Cola .
Then send him to the BOTS and (taking advantage of handy Zap Cola   ) eliminate the enemy Grunt (who stole your Tool).
Pick up the stolen Straw and suck up that Goo Puddle .
Then exit the area and retrieve the GunHat , becoming GunHat #5.
Drop the new grunt #9 onto the Grunt Creation Pad and move him to the OUDS . The OPz are lowered and it is time for the Big Split-Up.