Shovel #3
Gauntletz #4
GunHat #5
Gravity Bootz #7
Bare-handed #9
Gauntletz #4 enterz the area to the right with the Spikez , Holez and Ice Crystalz  (all are empty).
Break the Ice Crystalz  and drink the Kegz of Zap Cola as needed.
Pick up the Pogo Stick and stand on the PMGS .
Bootz #7 and Shovel #3 enter the area at the bottom left with the 2 BOTSez .
You have to move them in at the same time or one will either be trapped or killed.
Shovel #3 standz on the PMGS and GunHat #5 can move to the GHS .
Shovel #3 makes his way through this area filling Holez (and never digging them up again), digging up Moundz (and re-filling them!) to collect the three Coinz that are revealed.
Bare-handed #9 movez to the other OUDS .
Bootz #7 movez to the BOTS and then to the GHS , where he will stand for a while.
Shovel #3 now pickz up the Monster Wheel , crossez over the Spikez and lowered GPz , chug-a-lugz the Keg of Zap Cola and joinz GunHat #5.
Gauntletz #4 now leaves his area and breakz the Ice Crystal in the vicinity of Bootz #7.
The Question Mark Switch (QMS) should be pressed, shouldn't it?
Gauntletz #4 and Bootz #7 now join the other 2 Gruntz. Reunion!