
X Y Secret type Where you find it ... what it does
40 16 Red Warp #1
The Secret Trigger is on the path in the Spikez /Holez area ... impossible to miss.
The RW will open on the eastern edge.
The RW will take you to the area at the far northeast of the map, where there is
5 19 RW #2 The Secret trigger is an Arrow in the Arrowz maze that is not on the main path.
The RW will open where the Grunt triggering it cannot avoid it.
The RW will take you to the 'bad water' face to the east, where there are a few enemy Gruntz waiting to make life difficult for you.
"Whoa! I don't remember seeing that before!" You wink out of existence here, and wink back in elsewhere. Once again, missilez are flying at you.
Your task there is to remove the competition, and to satisfy a CheckPoint Switch (CPS)to lower the CheckPoint Pyramid (CPP) blocking access to the BTS .
If you do not have what it takez to satisfy that CPS, you will have to go back to your latest SAVE and replay, choosing a different Grunt.
You don't mind the pink missilez from six enemy Gruntz , but the lead from the other enemy Grunt makez you want them to be landing where you are ... not!
With a combination of fancy stepping, and some lead throwing of your own, you eliminate pink missilez from six different sourcez .
The other enemy Grunt is a different story: he is imitating a headless chicken, and is very hard to hit.
After a few fruitless expenditurez of ammunition, you decide to hope for the best, and just make your way out of the area via the Blue Wormhole BW on the western side.

You turned another enemy Grunt into Goo (or just diminished his health a bit)?!?
Bad choice ... back to the most recent SAVE for you.
You see that BHS near where he was?
You need to entice him to 'help you out' by standing on that thing for a while.
The other Grunt ? Who carez about him? Where he is standing, he sufferz "collateral damage" anyway. Every time another Grunt triez to hurt you, he getz hurt. Sure, you can turn him into Goo if you want to ... and it may even make thingz easier for you later.
You seem to have run into a problem. There is a BW between you and your return RW ! Not to worry ... you are a complete success ... so far!
33 33 RW #3 The Secret trigger is on the Orange Up/Down Switch (OU/DS) in the northwest corner of the central plateau area.
The RW openz just south of the trigger, and takez you to the 'normal' water face where there are four enemy Gruntz .
You can see a CPS with a picture of your Tool on it, so you head over there.
The way is then clear for you to activate the BTS .
Taking umbrage at the bent wood thrown your way, you try to throw your own piece of bent wood away.
One thing leadz to another, and pretty soon there is another Goo Puddle on the map.
(I hope it's not yourz! )
You see your way out, but you need to go the long way around to get there.
There are three more disGruntled onez that you pass by, and they may just heave wood in your direction.
Please eliminate those unfriendly fellowz from the game, making the area safe for any of your buddiez who may come by.
What's that glittering over there in the corner?
Satisfaction in a job well done and one Coin (Coin #017) is your reward.
Go get it, then continue through the return RW .
7 19 RW #4 The Secret trigger is an Arrow in the Arrowz maze that is not on the main path.
Reaching it will require assistance from another Grunt.
The RW will open where the Grunt triggering it cannot avoid it.
The RW will take you to the 'bad water' face to the east.
43 33 RW #5 The Secret trigger is in the northeast corner of the central plateau area.
The RW openz on the OU/DS in the southeast corner of the plateau.
It takez you to the 'normal' water face where the four enemy Gruntz were waiting. Your task is to step on the "?" Switch and collect goodiez.
53 15
Question Mark Switch
(QMS) #1
Reached via RW #4.
It createz a path to the 'mouth' and 'nose', where you may acquire eleven Coinz (Coinz #018 thru #028) and the Warp letter .
18 15 QMS #2 Reached via RW #5.
It createz a path to the 'mouth' and 'nose', where you may acquire seven Coinz (Coinz #035 thru #041) and the Warp letter .
12 76 QMS #3 Reached via the Silver Timer Switch (STS) on the central plateau.
The Shovel Grunt stepz on a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS), which togglez a Two-Way Arrow (TWA), allowing a Rolling Snow Ball (RSB) to roll over the Secret Switch.
A path is created for the RSB south to the Bridge in the water moat surrounding the CL map.
Using the "just in time" concept, Arrowz appear to direct the RSB all the way around the Bridge so that it rollz over a Green Toggle Switch (GTS).
That GTS lowerz three Green Pyramidz (GP) on the eastern half of the island on which the King's Fortress is located.
That allowz the Warpstone Grunt to satisfy the CPS , lowering the CPP and Gauntletz to break the Ice Crystal containing a Coin (Coin #120) which is barring the way to the King's half of the island.
17 24 QMS #4 East of the Arrowz maze, south of the battle area, near five Purple Multi-Grunt Switchez (PMGS) ... in plain sight. Reachable when Gauntletz breakz a Ice Crystal (or three) and startz a chain reaction of explosionz. An opening is created in the Death Brick (DB) barrier. Three Construction Pyramidz (CP) are changed to Arrowz that Gauntletz may follow to get the Coin (Coin #042) surrounded by four CPz .