Arrow: |
forced movement Tile
N 205 |
S 206 |
E 208 |
W 207 |
N-S 201 |
S-N 202 |
W-E 203 |
E-W 204 |
Cross 209 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
stepped on, the grunt must move in the indicated direction!
Entering a Cross from the diagonal 'freezez' the grunt ... out of the game!
The imagez displayed in this document are addressed: [img src="../editor/Tilez/#Ab/Ab###.jpg] (replacing [ with < and ] with >).
To use these imagez in your own documentz, add ../../../ to the beginning of the address, as:
[img src="../../../../editor/Tilez/8GS/GS###.jpg]
because your document will be stored: hintz/Custom/Designer/CustomLevel/ on the web host, where Designer is your 'handle' and CustomLevel is the name of your creation(z).
BB: |
Brown (appearing) Brick (Tilez 303 through 305 and 306 through 329); may be up to
three layerz tall, may be broken with Gauntletz , Timebombz or Bombz . |
BHS: |
Blue Hold Switch (Tile 227 ); a
Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep associated
BTz raised (or lowered). |
Black One-Time Switch (Tile
217 ); it remainz down (Tile 218 ) once activated (one-time) and either raisez or lowerz associated BPz. |
BP: |
Black Pyramid (Tilez 249 and 250 ). |
BT: |
Bridge Tile (Tilez
257 through 266).� See SBT, CBT and TBT, respectively. |
BTB: |
Blue Teleporter
Brick (Tilez 312 through 317 ); useless
in Questz (random destination), useful in Battlez. |
BTS: |
Blue Toggle Switch (Tile 225 ); each time a Grunt (yours, or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the BTS, the associated BTz are raised (or lowered). |
BW: |
Blue Wormhole ; may be used only
once, so choose carefully which Grunt you send through it! |
CBT: |
Crumbling Bridge Tile
Water 261 |
Other 262 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
once stepped on, these Tilez disappear, never to be used again.
Stand too long on one of these, and it is just as if it were a 'Death Tile'.
CL: |
Custom Level |
CP: |
Construction Pyramid (Tile 302 ); only Secret
Switchez can ever have any effect on these immovable, unbreakable Objectz. |
CPP: |
CheckPoint Pyramid (Tilez 213 and 214 ). |
CPS: |
CheckPoint Switch (Tile 215 ); when properly satisfied (Tile 216 ), raisez (or lowerz) CPPz. |
CPU: |
Covered Power Up; an Object found in or under another Object (Hole, or Rock). |
DB: | Death Brick (Tilez
324 through 329 ); black in color (often disguised as BBz) which explode when broken. |
DT: |
Death Tile; a Grunt stepping on one of these sinkz or fallz (Goo is lost) or turnz into Goo. |
EB: |
Explosive Brick (same as Death Brick). |
GB: |
Gold Brick (Tilez 318 through 323 ); gold layer is unbreakable, but Gauntletz
are not lost when attempting to break them.� (May be disguised as BBz.) |
GCP: |
GruntCreationPad ... a special Tile that lookz like a bullseye target . Newly baked Gruntz enter the game by being dropped onto this special Tile. |
GHS: |
Green Hold Switch (Tile 231 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep the associated GPz raised (or lowered). |
Goo: |
The stuff from which new Gruntz are baked. Goo comez in many colorz:
Goo |
Color name |
Score |
Source |
Orange |
0 |
Solver's Grunt(z)  |
Green |
1 |
Dumb Chaser(z)  |
Blue |
2 |
Gauntletz Grunt(z)  |
Red |
3 |
Suicide Bomber(z)  |
Purple |
4 |
Defender Grunt(z)  |
Yellow |
5 |
Hit & Run Grunt(z)  |
Hot Pink |
6 |
Object Guard Grunt(z)  |
Black |
7 |
Tool Thief Grunt(z)  |
Dark Blue |
8 |
Bricklayer Grunt(z)  |
Dark Green |
9 |
Smart Chaser(z)  |
Turquoise |
10 |
Unknown |
Dark Red |
11 |
Time Bomber Grunt(z)  |
Pink |
12 |
Post Guard Grunt(z)  |
Dark Yellow |
13 |
Magic Wand Grunt(z)  |
Grey |
14 |
Unknown |
Cyan |
15 |
Goo Sucker Grunt(z)  |
White |
16 |
Toyer Grunt(z)  |
Olive |
? |
Digger Grunt(z)  |
GP: |
Green Pyramid (Tilez 251 and 252 ). |
GR: |
Giant Rock. A breakable Object upon which Gauntletz or (Time )Bombz may be used.
Tilez 286-294 |
Area |
Graphicz set (also known as) |
1 |
Rocky Roadz (Rock) |
2 |
Gruntziclez (Ice Crystal) |
Trouble In The Tropicz (Volcano) |
4 |
High On Sweetz (Cup Cake) |
5 |
High Rollerz (Dice) |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz (Sugar Cubez) |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz (Mushroom) |
8 |
Gruntz In Space (Crystal) |
GTS: |
Green Toggle Switch (Tile 229 );
each time a Grunt (yours, or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over
the GTS, the associated GPz are raised (or
lowered). |
GW: |
Green Wormhole ; may be used over
and over again, always going to the same place. |
Hole: |
A diggable Object
Tile 196 |
Tile 198 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
upon which a Shovel is useful. 
A Hole will alwayz turn into a Mound, when a Shovel is used on it.
Mound: |
A diggable Object
Tile 195 |
Tile 197 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
upon which a Shovel is useful. 
A Mound may turn into a Hole, when a Shovel is used on it ... or some other Tile!
IP: |
Iron Pyramid (Tile 302 ); only Secret
Switchez can ever have any effect on these immovable, unbreakable Objectz.
OP: |
Orange Pyramid (Tilez 247 and 248 ). |
OU/DS: |
Orange Up/Down Switch (Tilez 239 and 240 ); always found in pairz, and change the state of associated OPz.� When one OU/DS goez down, another comez up. |
Purple Multi-Grunt Switch (Tilez 237 and 238 ); the solver�s
Grunt(z) must remain standing on PMGS(z) to raise (or lower) PPz. (Same as PS.)
PP: |
Purple Pyramid (Tilez 255 and 256 ). |
PS: |
Purple Switch (Tilez 237 and 238 ); the solver�s
Grunt(z) must remain standing on PS(z) to raise (or lower) PPz.
PU: |
PowerUp ... something to make a Grunt:- undetectable (Invisibility)
 - faster (SuperSpeed)
 - god-like (Invulnerability)
 - very 'persuasive' (Conversion)
 - a poisonous 'personality' (Death Touch)
 - have more endurance (Roidz)
 - semi-protected (Reactive Armor)

Pyramid: |
An obstacle to the movement of a grunt, or a Rolling Rock.
They look exactly the same in each graphicz set.
QMS: |
Question Mark Switch ... Tile 241 � a Grunt stepping on this Tile causez special thingz to happen! |
R8B: |
Rolling 8 Ball ; this is a RR used in �Hi Rollerz� graphicz set. |
RB: |
Red Brick (Tilez 306 through 311 ); red layer is breakable, but Gauntletz are lost when used on them.� (May be disguised as BBz.) |
RC: |
Rolling Coconut ; this is a RR used in the
"Trouble In The Tropicz" graphicz set. |
RGB: |
Rolling Golf Ball ; this is a RR used in the �Miniature Masterz� graphicz set. |
RHS: |
Red Hold Switch (Tile 235 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep associated
RPz raised (or lowered). |
RMB: |
Rolling (Malted) Milk Ball ; this is a RR used in the �High On Sweetz� graphicz set. |
RO: |
Rolling Olive ; this is a RR used in the
�Honey, I Shrunk the Gruntz� graphicz set. |
Rock: |
A breakable Object upon which Gauntletz or (Time)Bombz may be used.
Tilez 77-80 |
Tilez 81-84 |
Area |
Graphicz set (also known as) |
1 |
Rocky Roadz (Rockz) |
2 |
Gruntziclez (Ice Crystalz) |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz (Rockz) |
4 |
High On Sweetz (Cup Cakez) |
5 |
High Rollerz (Dice) |
6 | Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz (Sugar Cubez) |
7 | The Miniature Masterz (Mushroomz) |
8 | Gruntz In Space (Crystalz) |
RP: |
Red Pyramid (Tilez 253 and 254 ).
Note: Only one Red Pyramid (raised or lowered) need have a logic on it ... but it must have the Switch IDz of every Red Switch in its Rects: fieldz.
RR: |
Rolling Rock ; this includez:
Rockz (Rocky Roadz)
SnowBallz (Gruntziclez)
Coconutz (Trouble In The Tropicz)
MaltedMilkBallz (High On Sweetz)
EightBallz (High Rollerz)
Olivez (Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz)
GolfBallz (The Miniature Masterz)
Rockz (Gruntz In Space)
The appearance of the RR is usually a bit different for each of the four cardinal directionz in which they may be traveling. Very useful to operate Toggling Switchez,
- Blue Toggle Switch
- Green Toggle Switch
- Orange Up/Down Switch
- Red Toggle Switch
- Yellow Toggle Switch
re-usable Switchez such as the Silver Timer Switch (STS),
and one-time Switchez such as
- Black One-Time Switch
- Question Mark Switch
or pass over Tilez hazardous to a Grunt's health
- Static Hazardz
- Spikez
or simply pass over one-time Tilez into areaz intended not available to a Grunt (as, to operate Switchez).
RSB: |
Rolling Snow Ball ; this is a RR used in the �Gruntziclez� graphicz set. |
RTS: |
Red Toggle Switch (Tile 233 );
each time a Grunt (yours or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the RTS, every RP is raised (or lowered ).
RW: |
Red Wormhole (or Red Warp); may be used only once, and may only remain open for a limited time � so hurry! |
SBT: |
Switchable Bridge Tile.
Water 257-258 |
other 259-260 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
raised (or lowered) when the associated BHS or BTS is activated.
SH: |
Static Hazard; examplez of these are:
Tile 193 |
Tile 194 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
N/A |
N/A |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
N/A |
N/A |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz (Lava Geyserz) |
4 |
High On Sweetz (Birthday Candlez) |
N/A |
N/A |
5 |
High Rollerz (Trap Doorz) |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz (Electrical Outletz) |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz (FlyingGolfBallz) |
8 |
Gruntz In Space (Lava Geyserz) |
SP: |
Silver Pyramid (Tilez 245 and 246 ). |
Spikez: |
Tile 191 |
Tile 192 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
Tilez that hurt! Stepping on these reducez a Grunt�s health; standing on them is deadly.
SS: |
Secret Switch (Tile 241 � or just a special place on the map); a Grunt on this Tile causez special thingz to happen! |
STS: |
Silver Timer Switch (Tile 243 ); this Switch activatez a timer and causez SPz to begin changing state. |
TB: |
Teleporter Brick (Tilez 312 through 317 ) normally only used in Battlez, because they teleport any Grunt standing nearby to random locationz. |
TBT: |
Toggling Bridge Tile
Water |
other |
Area |
Graphicz set |
263-264 |
265-266 |
# |
Sample |
Timing |
Area name |
1 |
.60sec |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
.80sec |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
1.00sec |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
1.20sec |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
.60sec |
High Rollerz |
6 |
.80sec |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
1.00sec |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
.25sec |
Gruntz In Space |
These reusable BTz go up and down on a schedule (timing) determined by the puzzle designer.
TWA: |
Two-Way Arrow
north/south 201-202 |
west/east 203-204 |
Area |
Graphicz set |
1 |
Rocky Roadz |
2 |
Gruntziclez |
3 |
Trouble In The Tropicz |
4 |
High On Sweetz |
5 |
High Rollerz |
6 |
Honey, I Shrunk The Gruntz |
7 |
The Miniature Masterz |
8 |
Gruntz In Space |
Changez direction when the associated YHS or YTS is depressed.
Arrowz are designed to (usually) look best with surrounding Tilez 1 through 8,
or 17 through 36 (light side toward the arrow). |
I wonder why the graphicz people didn't make Arrowz transparent ...  to look good on Tilez 9 through 16. (?)
YHS: |
Yellow Hold Switch (Tile 223 ); a Grunt must remain on this Switch to keep the associated Arrow(z) in its altered state.
YTS: |
Yellow Toggle Switch (Tile 221 ); each time a Grunt (your's, or the enemy�s) or a RR passez over the YTS, the associated TWA(z) change state.