Walkthrough (Stage 4)

Grunt Description of what to do
TimeBomb #1
  1. Go to the [1] and place the TimeBomb at [2].
  2. Go to the [3]. When the boomerang misses you, go to the lowered GP at [4] and wait for the enemy Grunt to reach the lowered GP at [4a].
  3. When he stepz toward the GHS , quickly call your grunt to move to the START.
  4. Move your grunt to the [8], then to the [6] and place a TimeBomb at [7].
  5. When boomerang is thrown, go to the [8].
  6. Wait there for boomerang being thrown again and move to the [9] before it hits you.
  7. When left enemy Grunt throwz a boomerang, move to the [10], and when the right enemy Grunt throwz, return to the [9].
  8. Then move to the lowered GP at [11] and wait for the enemy Grunt to be half-way onto the lowered GP at [11a]. When he reaches that point, quickly call your grunt to move to the START. Take the keg of Zap Cola .
  9. Make your way to the [12] and destroy the Brick at [15]. Move to the [13], then quickly return to the [12] before boomerang hits you, place a TimeBomb at [14] and return to the [15].
    1. Go to the [16] and wait for boomerang to miss you.
    2. Place a TimeBomb at [16a] and return to the [15].
    3. Once again go to the 16, wait for boomerang to miss you, and then start moving through the red line, stopping at proper moments to avoid boomerangz.
    4. Press the BOTS and take the Keg of Zap Cola
    5. Place a TimeBomb at [17], move there once it explodes
    6. Then return to the [12] by using the same way you came.
  11. Take the Invulnerability power-up and start moving through the orange line.
  12. Place a TimeBomb at [18] and keep standing where you've stopped until it explodes, then keep going through the orange line.
  13. Once all PMGSz are occupied, select your Grunt at [19] to press the BOTS at [20]
  14. Then move Bombergrunt onto the arrow at [21].
  15. (IF YOU WANT TO GET THE PERFECT! SCORE:) do some exploring before you exit to Stage 5.