
X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them
25 20 Gravity Bootz One of your Gruntz enterz the puzzle with them.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page, since it was not 'acquired'.)
6 19 Bomb In plain sight, one step ahead of a valiant (short-lived) Grunt .
30 12 Boxing Glovez In plain sight east of one of the resurrected Gruntz .
55 19 Shovel In plain sight past two rowz of toggling Green Pyramidz (GP), a row of Red Pyramidz (RP) ... and Spikez between each row.
16 6 Goober Straw In plain sight between two enemy Gruntz (well armed) and two enemy Gruntz who have lost their armz (er, toolz).
21 1 Sponge Gun In plain sight, atop the only Grunt Creation Pad on the map.
34 5 Warpstone In plain sight, blocked by three GPz .
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)