Walkthrough for Grunt #2 and Grunt #3 together ... Part 2

Part 2 ... Satisfying the third set of CPSez .
Description of what to do
Shovel #2 and SpongeGun #3: Your Gruntz will have to work together ("This'll take perfect timing!") to get past that enemy Grunt . Remember that it takez him a fair amount of time to re-load, so don't panic.
It will probably be much easier if you are able to use the "Ctrl-#" method to assign a number key to your Gruntz, so that you may quickly select each one as required.
Believe it or not, it is possible to get past him without taking any damage at all!
(But there is some Zap Cola on the other side, just in case a Grunt standz still too long in one place.)
Now that you have made it to the CPSez ... you have to send Shovel #2 back to fill in a Hole , dig it up again, and do something about the contentz !
Then you need to come back through the GPz to the CPSez .
Warpstone Grunt #1 ... Shovel Grunt #2 and SpongeGun #3