Walkthrough (Normal mode only)
Grunt |
Description of what to do |
Bare-handed |
You have no choice ... you land on a Tool (#1).
Scattered (and often hidden) throughout this puzzle are sixteen Blue Toggle Switchez (BTS) that will cause submerged Bridge Tilez (BT) in water to be raised (necessary, since Gruntz cannot swim).
There are also several 'doorz' that need to be unlocked with keyz called Black One-Time Switchez (BOTS).
Springz |
Go placez no one else can reach, such as to those two BOTSz .
You collect one Coin (#1) along the way. Time now to find another Tool (#2).
Gauntletz |
Look around for something special.
Break stuff
open 'doorz' by activating BOTSz
raise BTz in water with BTSez .
collect Coinz (#2 thru #10)
collect a Warp Letter
use Megaphonez
until you can find nothing else to break, and eventually acquire another Tool (#3).
Sponge Gun |
'Encourage' an enemy Grunt to go someplace you cannot reach.
Take a pot shot at a rather fragile enemy Grunt , and acquire another Tool (#4).
Shovel |
Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz
open 'doorz' by activating BOTSz
raise BTz in water with BTSez
collect Coinz (#11 thru #26)
collect Warp Letterz and
use Megaphonez
until you can find nothing else diggable, and eventually acquire another Tool (#5).
Gauntletz |
Break stuff , collect Coinz (#27 thru #32), and collect a Warp Letter .
Nothing left to break? Acquire another Tool (#6).
Shovel |
Fill in Holez , dig up Moundz , bash an enemy Grunt
open 'doorz' by activating BOTSz
raise BTz in water with BTSez
collect Coinz (#33 & #34)
use a Megaphone (#4)
until you can find nothing else diggable, and eventually acquire another Tool (#7).
Gauntletz |
Break stuff , collect Coinz (#35 thru #42) and bash an enemy Grunt .
Nothing left to break? Acquire another Tool (#8).
Gravity Bootz |
Go placez no one else can go (painlessly), collect Coinz (#43 thru #49)
No more Spikez to cross? Acquire another Tool (#9).
Wingz |
Go placez no one else can reach.
raise BTz in water with BTSez
open a 'door' by activating a BOTS
Find other Toolz (#10, #11 & #12) so you may continue to go placez no one else can reach.
you may collect Coin (#50)
'Encourage' an enemy Grunt to go someplace even you cannot go!
acquire the final Tool (#13).
Toob |
Go someplace you may not have reached earlier to collect the last Coin (#50).
Look around! Are there any BTz still submerged ? Find those BTSz !
When all is well, go get that big hunk of rock!
Warpstone |
Satisfy the CheckPoint Switch , removing the last obstacle to the King's Fortress.
Carry the Warpstone Piece to the King!