
No. X Y Description of where the object is found
1 55 30 In plain sight on the path leading to a Black One-Time Switch (BOTS).
2 41 57 Under an Ice Crystal . Shush! It's a Secret!
3 33 57 Under an Ice Crystal . Same Secret!
4 52 42 Under an Ice Crystal .
5 25 49 Under an Ice Crystal .
6 42 45 Under an Ice Crystal .
7 46 41 Under an Ice Crystal atop a Yellow Toggle Switch (YTS).
8 30 43 Under an Ice Crystal destroyed by a TimeBomb .
9 27 43 Under an Ice Crystal destroyed by a TimeBomb .
10 43 42 In plain sight between a Two-Way Arrow (TWA) and a YTS .
11 52 16 In plain sight within the Red Pyramidz (RP) path (heading south!).
12 53 25 In plain sight within the RPz path further south.
13 53 35 In plain sight within the RPz path further south.
14 53 41 An Ice Crystal was exploded , revealing a Mound (which containz the Coin).
15 57 17 In a Mound on the eastern edge of the map. Shush! It's a Secret!
16 57 33 In a Mound on the eastern edge of the map. Same Secret.
17 44 9 In plain sight within the RPz path heading north.
18 51 40 In a Mound due south of a TWA .
19 47 35 In a Mound northwest of the previous Coin.
20 44 37 In a Mound southwest of the previous Coin.
21 49 19 In plain sight. (It was under an Ice Crystal destroyed by a explosion .)
22 42 4 In a Mound in the northeast corner of the map. (A bit painful getting there.)
23 47 8 In a Mound in the northeast corner of the map. (A bit painful getting there.)
24 25 1 In a Mound on the northern edge of the map. Shush! It's a Secret!
25 17 1 In a Mound on the northern edge of the map. Same Secret.
26 54 16 In a Mound in the northeast corner of the map. (A bit painful getting there.)
27 1 41 Under an Ice Crystal . Shush! It's a Secret!
28 13 54 In plain sight. Same Secret!
29 9 50 In plain sight. Same Secret!
30 5 46 In plain sight. Same Secret!
31 1 25 Under an Ice Crystal . Same Secret!
32 1 17 Under an Ice Crystal . Same Secret!
33 8 17 In a Mound in the northwest corner of the map near Green Pyramidz (GP).
34 40 23 In plain sight at the end of a Silver Pyramidz (SP) pathway.
35 13 35 Under an Ice Crystal . Shush! It's a Secret!
36 13 29 Under an Ice Crystal . Same Secret.
37 13 23 Under an Ice Crystal . Same Secret.
38 9 20 Under an Ice Crystal .
39 5 29 In plain sight within the GP pathway.
40 5 19 In plain sight within the GP pathway.
41 9 13 In plain sight within the GP pathway.
42 14 8 In plain sight within the GP pathway.
43 3 32 In plain sight atop a Spikez tile. Shush! It's a Secret!
44 3 26 In plain sight atop a Spikez tile. Same Secret.
45 3 20 In plain sight atop a Spikez tile. Same Secret.
46 10 37 Mostly hidden behind a large evergreen tree.
47 15 45 Mostly hidden behind a large evergreen tree.
48 17 44 Mostly hidden behind a large evergreen tree.
49 14 37 Mostly hidden behind a large evergreen tree.
50 27 25 On a Bridge Tile (BT) in the moat surrounding the KIng's Fortress.