
# X Y Toolz Where you may acquire them
1 5 10 Spy Gear Found under an Ice Crystal (blown up) ... Graniel usez it immediately.
9 7 SpongeGun One of your Gruntz ('Talc') enterz the puzzle with it.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page, since it was not 'acquired'.)
7 9 Gauntletz One of your Gruntz ('Colonel Gromiell') enterz the puzzle with them.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page, since it was not 'acquired'.)
9 9 Shovel One of your Gruntz ('Captain Crater') enterz the puzzle with it.
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page, since it was not 'acquired'.)
2 9 29 Time Bombz Gromiell findz them hidden in an igloo on the second island.
3 31 7 Gauntletz Gromiell goez through a Green Wormhole (GW) and landz on them. (He is, once again, a "happy camper".)
4 8 6 Springz Gromiell used a Megaphone (#1) to call for them ... Graniel usez later.
5 47 26 Springz Graniel findz them on a lowered Black Pyramid (BP).
6 2 19 GooberStraw Gromiell used a Megaphone (#2) to call for it ... Graniel usez later.
7 6 28 Bomb Crater used a Megaphone (#3) to call for it ... A Nony Mouse usez later.
56 11 Warpstone Crater fillz in a Hole then digz up the Mound to reveal it..
(Does not count as a Tool on the Statz Page.)