
No. X Y Originally is What the Grunt acquirez, task(z) performed, last task
1 7 7 Bare-handed
Graniel Grunzton
Is very smart and knows the history of absolutely everything, so he lovez to use Toolz and Toyz from alien culturez.
The Designer put him there.
A loud noise revealz technology. First, he triez his hand at 'covert operationz' .
He tellz Colonel Gromiell "break there , don't break there "
On island two he verifiez that it is safe to break the Brick stack .
Later (on island three) he tellz him to "break there , don't break there " earning un-die-ing gratitude.
Told to 'police up the area', he acquirez some Coinz .
Bringing up the rear, he satisfiez a CheckPoint Switch (CPS) and a CheckPoint Pyramid door (CPP) openz on island four.
Then he becomez 'kinetic' (which turnz out to have some surprising resultz).
The technology allowz him to acquire some wealth .
He operatez a Red Toggle Switch (RTS) to make passage easier for his teammatez.
He passez over painful thingz and dispatchez two enemy Gruntz .
He findz something interesting and checkz it out.
Then he discoverz he cannot return back the way he came.
That technology breakz on some Spikez , and he findz an alternate path back to the team ... and becomez 'kinetic' again.

After the rest of the team crossez some Crumbling Bridge Tilez (CBT), he takez the remaining incomplete path to join them.
2 9 7 SpongeGun
He never, under any circumstancez, givez up his spongegun.
He usually is the 'rear guard', sometimez cleaning up (valuable ) messez the otherz make.
The Designer put him there.
He takez 'pot shotz' at a couple of enemy Gruntz , who turn out to be quite sensitive to pain. Their explosive naturez create some openingz.
He satisfiez a CPS ... but nothing happenz.
He will 'encourage' some aggressive enemy Gruntz to go where they don't want to go, such as into 'Bad Water'.
He will 'encourage' another passive enemy Grunt to go where Talc can't go ... it's a Secret!

He will 'encourage' another passive enemy Grunt to 'stand tall' on a Blue Hold Switch (BHS).

He flipz a Coin with Graniel and the winner followz Gromiell and Carter ... the loser getz to wait on a BHS .

3 7 9 Gauntletz
Colonel Gromiell
He alwayz breakz thingz, unless the circumstancez dictate that he give up his breaking/blowing-up type toolz.
The Designer put him there.

He satisfiez a CPS ... but nothing happenz.
Time to blow thingz up! He setz a TimeBomb , takez a step back and watchez the show. When the noise stopz he headz for a Green Wormhole (GW). Did you land next to a guy with a 'butter knife' ?
Restore from your last SAVE, and re-play.
Otherwise, you now have your favorite Tool again. Life is good!

4 9 9 Shovel
Captain Crater
Is also very smart and loves to dig Moundz and fill in Holez .
He wouldn't part with his shovel for anything.
The Designer put him there.
Something (Coin #1) glitterz, and being closest to it, he pickz it up.

He satisfiez a CPS ... but nothing happenz.

5 12 63 Bare-handed
A. Nony Mouse
Sufferz from amnesia, and only does what he is told to do.
The Goo Well is filled, and the solver putz him there.
He is told to "police up the area" (two Coinz , #48 & #49) and step on any Green Toggle Switchez (GTS) he findz (four of them), then stand on the Blue Hold Switch (BHS).

He is given the Bomb (#7) from the GruntzMachine.
"What am I supposed to do with this?", he asks.
"See how fast you can run ... in that direction" he is told. So he does.
He stopz on a BOTS to play with a toy, forgetting his orderz.
Finally, he makez a kamikaze run against three Brick stackz .